It’s Meet the Instructor Monday, and today we would like to introduce you to Julie Jack. We know that it’s important for you to be comfortable with your instructor during your workout so here’s your chance get to know Julie a little better!!
Julie has been teaching at Rivercity Pilates for just over a year. She teaches Yoga, Barre, Cardio Funk as well as private sessions. She also is a life coach and a Reiki master. We asked Julie to answer a few questions so you could get to know her better!
Where are you from? 
This is a tough question for me… My short answer is I am a woman of the world! The long answer is I moved to 7 states before entering high school and since college have lived in 2 countries and another state. My extended family lives in the area so I have made Iowa my home base. I always get blank stares when people ask me this question. It’s just complicated!!
Tell us about your family.
I have a dog named Asha. She has taught me so much and is an inspiration for my healing work. In fact, I named my blog after her. You can follow us at
Asha y Amor on Facebook and Instagram is coming soon. Asha=Hope and Amor=Love.
Favorite Food?
Everything!! I am a food lover and I will try anything. In terms of preparation, less is more…Local, fresh and simply prepared food is the best!
What changes has Yoga brought to your life?
I think that Yoga has made me stronger both physically and mentally. Over time, through trying to live the principles of yoga, I have learned to trust myself more and look inward for peace and contentedness rather than to other people or external things to fill the void.
Why did you become an instructor?
To share my passion for movement with others. I also love helping people problem solve and overcome things in their own lives. Yoga offers a path that works both internally and externally so it really covers both sides. As a yoga and movement instructor I can use both the whimsical, playful part of me as well as the deep and thoughtful side and I love to share that with others. Guiding others to move with their own rhythm really feels like a place where I can put forth my strengths and help others at the same time.
I think that movement and teaching has always been in my soul but when I got my yoga certification back in 2005, I didn’t believe that I could make it a career. A regular yoga practice has helped me to overcome that limiting belief that I should have a more traditional career to be successful. Now I believe wholeheartedly that happiness = success. Follow the heart!
Tell us something about you that we couldn’t learn when we were in your class!
hmm, I think something that defines me is that I like to get down and dirty with life… for the better or the worse. Experience is my teacher so I often take the road less travelled (without even realizing it). I have had grand adventures but have also found myself in the middle of the jungle without a compass a few times.

Julie & Asha
I also love to travel and learn about culture. Anthony Bourdain is my hero although he can be a bit of an arse at times. I love love love dogs and have often thought about becoming a dog trainer, and I thrive on deep connections. More than you wanna know, probably :)
I’d love to see you in a class or session soon, so I can learn more about you!