Somebody said to me this month… Don’t you get tired of being at the studio? And how do you get everything done? How do you get your kids to places, do the dishes, fold the clothes, do all the mom stuff and life stuff… and how do you find time to sit on your butt and watch Netflix and just relax??
I laughed and said well… sometimes that stuff just doesn’t get done! But really… I have an amazing husband who shares all the family duties with me and we coordinate as much as we can to get the important stuff done( you know .. kids to school, feed the kids( totally Jeff’s department as I don’t cook..), laundry, cleaning, etc  AND we try not to get too crazy with each other when the house is messier than we’d like, the kids are fighting with each other and we forget an appointment that we thought the other person was going to take the kids to…. 
Do I get tired of being at the studio?…honestly no. There are days when I am ready to go home so I can replenish and get some me time in and get some family time in…but I love what I get to do! That must be the key because even after a crazy day when I’ve been teaching for 8 or more hours and trying to do business stuff in between…I wouldn’t change it for anything.   As for finding time to sit on my butt and watch Netflix…that’s pretty rare and I’m ok with that.  I’ll sit and watch an occasional show with my hubby or kids but honestly I would rather relax by reading a book, going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath! 
Momming and parenting in general is hard.   If you are a parent I don’t have to tell you this!!
50% (that’s generous… maybe 75% if I’m being really honest!) of the time I feel like I am totally failing at parenting and the other 50 percent I am having proud mom moments when I just stand back in awe at the loving, caring people our kiddos are becoming..
Pilates and movement are clearly my business but they are also a non negotiable part of my life that keeps me sane, less stressed and focused on what’s really important to me and my family.
I kind of feel like movement is my secret momming energy trick…
For a long time I didn’t realize how powerful it actually was in my life but lately I have really realized that if I’m not moving on a regular basis all the other stuff in life gets harder… I get stressed out easier, I feel lethargic and I don’t get my to do lists done! So I’ve made it a point this year to be overly intentional about my movement time. Here are 3 pretty simple movement rules I follow in my life…
  1. EVERY day starts with a minimum of 10 minutes Pilates time. I picked 10 minutes because I can always fit 10 minutes in. 10 minutes doesn’t seem like much but because it’s short I can commit to staying focused and flowing through exercises and I always get a great little workout in. Many days if I have time I do work out longer but honestly my longest morning workout are usually only a half hour max!
  2. ALWAYS a walk with the dog.. rain or shine I figure we always both need a walk… so even if it is a run around the block in the pouring rain or snow… I just do it!
  3. If I’m feeling tired or lethargic (this usually happens in the afternoon) I make myself do a minute of movement time before I reach for tea or coffee… yep just a minute! And you know what? 9/10 times I don’t get the coffee! My favorite go to movements are bouncing on the big ball for a minute, jumping jacks, or footwork on the reformer if I’m at the studio… all these things engage my whole body, get my heart rate up and my breathing activated and always leave me feeling energized!! It’s kind of amazing how simple yet effective this can be!

If you haven’t ever thought about how important moving your body is in helping give you energy to live the rest of your life, maybe today is the day to think about it! If you are rushing through life and find yourself not having the energy to do all of the things you want to do I would encourage you to explore how you could add some movement and exercise time into your life in ways that will improve how all your days feel! And of course if you need some ideas or suggestions myself and the movement teachers at Rivercity Pilates would love to help! 





Ellen Alexander

April 2019 Inspiration of the Month

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I’ve been thinking about trying to start Pilates for a couple of years, and finally took the plunge late last year. I’ve had some chronic shoulder problems in the past, including a frozen shoulder, and had tried Neural Reset Therapy with Sara See, which is what got me in the door of Rivercity. I’ve practiced Yoga off and on for years, and wanted to get back into the habit of this type of movement. As I age I’m starting to realize more and more how important strength and stretching are to feeling good.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?  
I have mostly been doing mat classes, but have also enjoyed Equipment classes and a few Pilates Mat and Barre classes. I love the variety.   I have also been taking advantage of Rivercity’s online presence and trying to do some of the YouTube videos at home a few days per week. I’ve been trying to follow along with March MATness, and find myself randomly just doing small Pilates-inspired movement as I make dinner or sit at my desk at work.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates? 
I feel like I’m using my muscles more as they are meant to be used. I’m more aware of my core muscles and my posture, and I am finding muscles I didn’t realize I had. I have more energy and it just seems to motivate me to be more active – doing the Pilates workouts does not register as exercise on my Apple Watch, but I feel like other activity is much more likely to register on days when I have done Pilates (like when I walk, I’m doing it with more energy and it counts!). Finally, I find it to be a mental enough practice that it is a mind break. Paying attention to so many details of what my body is doing forces me into mindfulness.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
Two exercises that always make me smile are Seal and Helicopter. With Seal I think it’s just the silliness, and Helicopter really gets my hips. Anything that is a good shoulder stretch I also love. Open Leg Rocker is my nemesis so far, but I’m hoping that our relationship will evolve.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
I would encourage anyone to try. It is so customizable and not as intimidating as it might seem. Part of the beauty is how personalized a Pilates practice is – it grows with you and I’ve already started to discover details and layers I wasn’t aware of when I first started. The staff at Rivercity Pilates truly make it fun. It is a wonderfully welcoming and encouraging environment filled with people of all different ages and fitness levels.

What do you like about taking the early morning classes? 
I love getting to the studio before I really have a chance to think about it. I love how it gently warms up and wakes up my body for the day. It is also a great way for me to fit it in before the other demands of the day have a chance at me.

“I feel amazing when I get done with Pilates!”    “I never get out of breath during Pilates.”     “I’m never super sore from Pilates, yet I can tell I did something.”    “I feel taller and longer when I’m done with Pilates.”  “I actually enjoy Pilates!”  

All the reasons that so many people LOVE their Pilates workout, are also all the reasons that so many Pilates virgins are skeptical that this lovable method of exercise could actually be effective!  It’s true that a Pilates workout does not leave your body feeling the same as it might after a long run, an aerobics class or even a weight training session, but don’t let that trick you into thinking that it’s not effective “real” exercise.  

ex·er·cise   /ˈeksərˌsīz/  noun:   activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness
Here’s a quick list of all the amazing benefits that make Pilates a method of exercise that is guaranteed to improve your health:
  • Strengthen Your Muscles   Pilates exercises are designed to strengthen all the muscles in your body if they need it.  One of the goals of the Pilates method is to uniformly develop your body. This means that by practicing the exercises you will develop strength in your muscles in a way that balances your body out.  I often describe this simply as strengthening the weak muscles and stretching the tight muscles so that your body functions more efficiently and you are less prone to injuries caused from imbalances.  
  • Gain Flexibility  When you strengthen the weak muscles in your Pilates exercises, you will simultaneously stretch and lengthen the muscles that are chronically tight in your body.  This means you will gain flexibility and mobility in your body without having to spend hours simply holding stretches.  
  • Gain Mobility in Your Spine    By doing exercises that move your body in a variety of ways that you might not do a lot in your everyday life, you will feel more mobile and less stiff in your back and throughout your entire body.
  • Increased Circulation    Pilates uses whole body movements and focused breathing techniques that will increase circulation throughout your body.  Blood circulation is what keeps our bodies functioning and increased circulation can promote healthier skin, promote cell growth and just plain help you feel better and more energized.  
  • Physical Activity that increases your heart rate   Our bodies were designed to move!   Pilates classes and sessions are designed to have you moving throughout.  You may not get your heart rate up as much as you would for a run, but your heart rate will increase and you will be active throughout your session.   
  • Decrease feelings of stress and anxiety       Physical activity like Pilates produces endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress.   Studies show that physical activity is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function.  

If you are used to traditional exercise methods that leave you feeling the burn, exhausted and out of breath, and maybe so sore the next day it’s hard to sit, then learning Pilates will definitely be a change. Just because it feels different though doesn’t mean it isn’t effective!  The Pilates method is versatile enough to be an effective exercise method for professional athletes and adaptive enough to be a favorite method for practitioners in their 60’s and beyond.  If you are curious about what it could do for your body and your life, we would love to introduce you to it!  Click here to schedule a complimentary session with one of our trained Pilates professionals.    




Let me begin by telling you that I was never very confident. Nope. Not me!

As a young girl, I felt contented and enjoyed my life very much, but somewhere amidst those years of growing up, I lost confidence. Totally! :/  Perhaps it was because I grew up in the 60’s?!? It was a turbulent time. I just wanted to be a wife and mother but suddenly women were demanding to be liberated, burning their bras, and deciding which career to pursue! It was very confusing for me because I had to write notes just to remind myself to wear a bra on gym days so the Senior girls wouldn’t laugh at me.  (Bra-burning was something I would never consider!) All I really wanted in those days was to be rail-thin (just like Twiggy!), to have perfect hair (long, dark, and straight), and to have a boyfriend. Well, I was thin, and even had the perfect hair, yet never seemed to have the boyfriend. Most girls I know from “back then” dated someone in high school, got married, raised families and rocked grandchildren, and are now celebrating 40+ years of marriage. Not me though!

Looking back, I just don’t think I knew myself very well. I married an older man and divorced after just ten years of marriage (and one great son). I’ve dated since then, collected a couple of graduate degrees, gone on some great Life adventures (moved to Arizona, then to Grand Cayman Island) and ultimately, returned home to Iowa. Still, I continued to question where I belong. It wasn’t until I returned to the Iowa City area in the Spring of 2017 that everything started to click; all the dots started to connect.

So why do I share this with you now? Well, I started reading “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis and because I adore her transparency, I decided to become more transparent. By doing so, perhaps you’ll see me with all of my flaws (yikes!) and decide to give Pilates a try. Get ready because here’s the big reveal: Pilates has changed my life. And I want it to change yours!

What have I gained from my Pilates practice?
1. I decided to become a Pilates teacher at about the same time that I started to practice regularly. Very soon afterward, my father passed away and I almost quit the teaching program. My father thought it had been such a great idea to train and then, to teach Pilates in my retirement, but suddenly, I felt lost. I was grieving deeply. The teacher training program and obviously, regular Pilates practice, forced me to concentrate on something outside that grief. I embraced it as an attempt to work through that period of sorrow.

2. I am more confident. No- I AM confident. (I can’t believe I just wrote that!) I challenged myself in many different ways and made it over
every single hurdle. (I’m shy, for one thing, and I had to teach and do Pilates in front of people I practically idolized.)

3. I am all of the following: Stronger. Centered. Calmer. Relaxed. Happier. Things just don’t rattle me anymore.

4. I reflect on a more regular basis. And I’m more forgiving of myself and others.

5. I sleep better! After a bath, a cup of chamomile tea, and some reading, it’s lights out. Literally and figuratively. I wake refreshed and eager for the new day.

6. I feel younger. And I finally had the confidence to let my hair return to its natural color, knowing that no one’s opinion would or could
convince me to dye it again. This is who I am.

7. I am committed to being present… in my mind and body, to the practice and teaching of Pilates, and to my Life.

8. I feel younger! Yep. Not sure when that happened but age really is just a number.

9. I am more committed to the parts of my Life that I hold most dear: my family, my friends, my fur-babies.

10. I am contented with not being a Perfect 10. I am Jane. And I am Enough!

Come try Pilates for yourself.
Take my Beginner workshop. I promise results.

Inspiration of the Month
Theresa Johnson

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?         
I talked my friend Diana into taking a beginning class with me. I have had back problems for years and I was looking for a way to get stronger and relieve that pain. I had just finished up a round of physical therapy and knew I needed to continue with some type of exercise. (What I have found is that many of the movements we practice in Pilates, are the same or similar to what the physical therapist was teaching me to do.) I was scared that I would not be able to do the Pilates exercises, but Carey was so helpful in teaching me how to modify the movements to protect my back that I was able to do everything!  

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?
I try to attend classes twice a week. I mix it up between mat classes and the tower. I also do the stomach series most mornings at home.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?
My back pain is so much better. Before Pilates, I would have to miss work and take muscle relaxers when my back went out. I have not called in sick to work, because of my back in a year. I am so much stronger. I love it!

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
I really like doing roll down on the Tower, because the stretch is incredible. But, I am proudest of the fact that I can now do Teaser! It took a while, and it isn’t always pretty, but I can do it!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
Just do it. Take a beginning series class and don’t be afraid to tell the instructor about any issues you have in your body. If I can do it, you can too.

Flow is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot when we talk about movement, but I often wonder if people really know what it means? What does it mean to be flowing in your movements and why would you even want to make that a goal during your movement practice and how would you go about it?  
Let’s start by talking about what exactly is “flow”?
I consider flow being intentional about moving from one exercise to the next and not losing concentration, engagement and focus in the “in between time” between exercises. This can be as simple as continuing to breathe and knowing how you are going to transition from one exercise from the next. In my own mind I always think of my movement time like a well choreographed dance that doesn’t stop until the song is over or in the case of Pilates when the workout is over!  For example let’s talk about transitioning from the Hundred exercise to your Roll up.  When you first learn the Hundred you might just do the exercise then rest your body on the mat when you are done( this might look like collapsing your body to a comfortable position and possibly talking to your neighbor about how much you despise the hundred!!)  and wait for the teacher to explain what you are doing next.  After the initial learning phase of the exercise you can build strength and endurance by not “resting” after that exercise and heading right into the next exercise.  After finishing the hundred exercise you might extend your legs on the mat and take 1 full breath where you set up your body to get ready to roll up.  On the very next breath you would start moving in to the rolling up of the exercise.    
So Flow creates muscular endurance… What’s the benefit of muscular endurance?   You wont get tired as easy!  For instance have you ever been at a stadium where you’ve had to walk up what feels like a gazillion steps to get to your seat? When you muscles have more endurance you don’t have to rest as often during your walk up those stairs! 
Why would you want to do that?
1. Flowing is more mindful and takes more concentration.  Flowing from one exercise to the next and not taking your mind off what you are doing trains or mind to be better at focusing and concentrating( and let’s face it…in today’s world of many distractions we all need that!!)
2. You’ll get double the benefits from the workout.  Yep that’s right… by simply not taking an all out rest in between each exercise you will keep your muscles engaged and working and they will get stronger quicker and you’ll gain muscular endurance.
***Side note…What’s the benefit of muscular endurance?   You won’t get tired as easy!  For instance have you ever been at a stadium where you’ve had to walk up what feels like a gazillion steps to get to your seat? When you muscles have more endurance you don’t have to rest as often during your walk up those stairs! 
So how can you work on adding more flow into your movement practice?
The easiest way in a group class setting is to make it your goal to be mindful of what you are doing in between exercises.  Even if the teacher doesn’t specifically cue a transition or something particular to do you can still make a point of noticing what you do in the in between time and being purposeful about whatever it is you are doing!  If you are practicing at home or by yourself you can practice flowing together 3 or 4 exercises at a time and see how that changes the movements for you.  
Ready to give it a try?  We would love to know how it goes!  Here’s a video we created specifically to practice your flow in your Pilates Mat work!