Pilates and Pregnancy- 16 weeks and feeling amazed at the differences in my workouts!

Cassie 16 weeks

Welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! This week the baby is the length of a turnip (about 4.5 inches). The most noticeable change lately is that two of my clients commented that they could start to see the bump. It’s still small, but amazing how much it affects my normal workouts.

Carey taught me a Reformer private lesson this week. One of my most noticeable observations while exercising during the pregnancy has been how much more challenging the exercises seem. One client told me that being pregnant is like climbing a mountain while standing still. So just imagine what it’s like to move!

Nevertheless, Carey doesn’t push me past my limits and I try to stay in touch with what my body needs. We modified Teaser, did not do the full Long Stretch series and made adjustments as needed throughout the workout. I always feel better after exercising and know that staying active will benefit the new little one just as much as it benefits me.

Each week, we’re going to share a picture along with the blog. This week’s photo is of me doing side splits on the Reformer, which is always a challenging exercise for me. I was a little sore the next day from my workout. but so thankful for the time to focus on me, my body, and this beautiful baby!

Pilates and Pregnancy- 15 weeks

Welcome to our new series – Pilates and Pregnancy! My name is Cassie Cumings-Peterson and I am a Pilates instructor at Rivercity Pilates in North Liberty, Iowa. I’m also expecting my first baby, which means I’m experiencing tons of new sensations in my body. The goal of this blog is to share with you these changes as I experience them and explore how to incorporate Pilates safely and effectively into my pregnancy.Cassie Announces pregnancy

I strongly believe that Pilates is a fabulous way to prepare your body for carrying a baby, delivering a baby, and recovering after baby. However, if you are newly pregnant and considering trying Pilates – or continuing your current Pilates workouts – be sure to okay it with your doctor first.

We’ll start with some basics. I am 15 weeks along, which means the baby is due at the end of April. I have been practicing Pilates for over three years and teaching Pilates for a year and a half. The baby is the size of an avocado this week. Each week, Carey Sadler, the owner at Rivercity Pilates, is going to teach me a private lesson where we can focus on the changing needs of my body.  I’m also still participating in group Pilates Mat and Equipment classes and Yoga.

So let’s get started.

This week I’ve noticed three changes. First, my pants are tight. There’s not a cute “bump” yet, but I’ve definitely put on some padding in the middle. Second, I’ve experienced some round ligament pain. This is apparently completely normal. It’s basically a sharp pain that occurs in your midsection at random times (usually when changing positions). Third, it’s harder for me to keep my legs hugged together on exercises like roll-up and spine twist.

In this week’s session we started with footwork on the chair. Carey modified the traditional foot position – by having me take my feet wide on the paddle – to give me more of a hip opening stretch. Next, we worked on the Cadillac. I am still able to lie on my back and stomach without discomfort or danger to the baby. It feels great to move, but definitely different than from before I was pregnant. Everything is slightly more challenging, especially Teaser. I think this may be why many women get discouraged with exercise and decide to forego it during their pregnancy. My advice is to just keep moving, even if it means moving at a slower pace or performing exercises at an “easier” level than you did before you were expecting.

I hope you’re able to check in each week and join me on this awesome adventure!
