I suck at talking.  Give me a pen and paper or a keyboard and I’m a happy camper but communicating with my voice is something I’ve always struggled with.  It does not come natural to me.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy being around people and talking, I just always feel like when I talk […]

Whether you are a Yogi, a Pilates practitioner or just want to feel better in your body and release some tightness, aches and pains….this workshop is for you.  Shara will guide you through self-massage and myofascial release techniques that are sure to leave you with greater range of mobility, decreased muscle tightness and an overall sense […]

Every Saturday morning I get the chance to teach a very inspiring group of spunky women who take their Pilates practice pretty seriously.  And by seriously I mean they are dedicated to make their Pilates practice part of their lives.  It’s rare that they miss a weekly class, but more than that it’s that they […]