The Pilates Shoulder Bridge exercise is a great whole body strengthening exercise that teaches us how articulate through our spine and just plain feels good!  This is such a great exercise for any body.  As your practice advances you can challenge your strength and your ability to strengthen by holding in the bridge and then […]

The Pilates Scissors and Bicycle mat exercises are quite challenging in their fullest form and really require that you have first progressed through skills learned in many of the other mat exercises.  Even if you are not quite ready to lift the hips off the mat and support yourself to do the scissor and bicycle […]

An exercise called Neck Pull sounds kind of scary – right?  I agree but I can see where Joe thought the name fit the exercise.  The Neck Pull exercise really combines the the Spine Stretch,  and an added focus on lengthening(or pulling?) your neck.  I don’t especially love the “Pull” part of the name because […]