The Pilates Roll Up exercise is part of Joseph Pilates original mat sequence as found in his book Return to Life and this exercise teaches us some key concepts that we use in the Pilates method over and over again throughout a variety of exercises. Here’s a few things to think about when practicing […]

  The Hundred exercise is the first exercise in the sequence of Pilates Mat work and is really designed to warm you up and get you prepared for the rest of your Pilates workout.  Here’s a few of the important components of the Hundreds exercise:  Breath and timing of breath:  During the Hundred you are […]

         From Benjamin Degenhardt: Every day in March, participants across the global Pilates community share content related to Joseph Pilates’ traditional Mat exercises. Using the connective power of the hashtag, all the magic will happen in the social media networks of those that participate in this unique campaign and want to share […]