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Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Pilates and Pregnancy – Week 34: Safe Stretches and Standing Leg Work
Pilates and PregnancyWelcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! I am 34 weeks along and baby is roughly the size of a pineapple. He is likely between 19 and 22 inches long and at least 4.9 pounds. I have been feeling pretty well although my heels occasionally hurt when I’ve been on my feet too long. […]
Rivercity Pilates Barre Class Warm up
Instructional Video, Mini WorkoutIn this video, Rivercity Pilates instructor Heather Thorpe teaches a Barre warmup sequence to some of our staff! Barre classes are a dance inspired workout that also incorporates the Pilates Method principles and fundamental concepts. If you are new to Barre classes you can try one out for free! Sign up using our online […]
Pilates and Pregnancy – Week 33: Hip-Opening Exercises to prepare for Labor & Delivery
Pilates and PregnancyWelcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! This week the baby is around 4.6 lbs, the size of a honey dew melon when curled up in the fetal position, and 19-20 inches long. I have been feeling well for the most part, but have noticed increased swelling in my hands, calves, ankles, and feet. […]