I wrote this letter originally 6 years ago.  Every year I say to myself I should rewrite my love letter to my clients.  Then I read it and think, I don’t think I need to rewrite it. The words I originally wrote still portray how I feel really well!  So here it is!  Sending lots […]

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I joined Rivercity Pilates at the end of summer.  I came for the Yoga and stayed for the Yoga AND Pilates!  I wanted more Yoga in my life to compliment the cycling that I do. After taking some Pilates classes, I realized that both […]

What exactly is the Pilates Chair?  The word chair often creates images of a senior workout geared for those with limitations, when in reality the Pilates equipment named the Chair is a versatile spring based piece of equipment that can be great for practicing fundamental Pilates concepts but can also challenge even the most seasoned […]