Inspiration of the MonthJuly 2019Shuva Rahim When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?I started Pilates about 10 years ago when I first met Carey. We were both growing our businesses at the time and I thought I’d see what it was about. So, my inspiration started more as a curiosity. How […]

Many people have never worked one on one with a movement or exercise  instructor and have some misconceived ideas about what a one on one Pilates session will be like.  Let me put to rest some of your fears!  If you’ve been watching the Biggest Loser we may have some work to do:) Or maybe […]

Welcome to our 2019 Healthy Summer Challenge! Whether you are starting a new movement practice or maybe you just want to continue to keep consistent this summer with your already established practice we are excited to have you join our free summer challenge. Our challenge to you is to stay committed to keeping movement as […]