Originally posted on October 2012:
This month’s Inspiration is a true testimony to the power of movement and the power of the human spirit. It has been an honor to have Su as one of our treasured clients and to be part of her journey!

Su( Doing her teaser in NYC for our summer photo contest!)
When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates about 4 years ago. A good friend asked me if I would like to join her and another friend in a reformer pilates class. My good friend and I have been taking classes ever since.
Can you tell us about your experience with cancer. As a cancer survivor, how did Pilates help you recover physically and emotionally?
I am surviving Stage III melanoma. I was diagnosed two years ago this past August and have been cancer free since October 5, 2010. When my cancer was removed, I was told that the edges were clean, which was good news, but (and there is always a ‘but’ with cancer), I needed to go see the dermotologist at the University of Iowa.
My dermotologist told me that the edges of the cancer site had to 5 cm clean on all sides to increase my chances that the cancer would not reoccur at that site. Also she suggested that I have sentinal lymph node biopsy to find out if the cancer had spread. These two surgeries had to be done at the same time. So I went into my first surgery two days later.
Everything looked good until the biopsy came back which indicated that there was .002 cm. of cancer in the sentinal lymph node so back into surgery a week later to take the lymph nodes under my left arm which is what they would do if someone had breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes.
There is no ‘successful’ treatment for melanoma except for checking your body so I see my oncologist and surgeon every 3 months and the dermotologist yearly. I also have a PET scan two times a year along with an ultra sound on my neck to see if there is any cancer developing in my lymph nodes there.
I couldn’t have gotten through this without Pilates! My surgeon informed my husband after each surgery that they went better than expected because my body provided such a road map to the infected areas. The nerve areas were never compromised or in the way so the expected trauma to this area would be minimal. The chances for swelling of my left arm would be minimal. I atttribute it all the Pilates and how defined my body was.
Pilates provided me with a outlet to ‘get my body back’ which was my ultimate goal as a cancer survivor.
As my oncologist told me, “We will control the cancer and not let it control you!’ and that was how I empowered myself and my body.
I was pretty hard on myself about getting back to where I was in Pilates before the surgery. With encouragement and support from Carey, my good friend and Pilates partner, Peg and my former Pilates instructor, Shannon, I was able to make a recovery quicker than expected. I remember the exercises that I had to do in bed right after the surgery were similar to those I had done in Pilates. When I was able to do Baby Bird wings I knew that I had made a full recovery!
Why do you do Pilates and what are the benefits in your life?
I do Pilates to keep my body toned and to remember to take time for myself. We only have one body and we need to take care of it. I always feel better physically and mentally after taking a class.
How has Pilates empowered your body?
Cancer has made me think about how special a body is. Pilates has helped in keeping a commitment to my body to take care of it and never take it for granted again. When a surgeon comments about how easy it was to navigate under your arm because it was so fit and strong, you want to maintain that!
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
I LOVE the tower! The shoulder bridge is my favorite exercise. I want to take this time to dispel the rumor that the plank is my favorite exercise.
What has Pilates inspired you to do in your life?
Pilates has inspired me to be in better shape in my 50’s/60’s than I was in my 30’s/40’s. It has also inspired me to incorporate Pilates in healing my body when I have an ache or pain.
What would you say to someone thinking of starting Pilates?
DO IT and you will never be sorry! Your body will be exhilerated and your mind will be clearer. It is something that you can do for yourself no matter age or shape and your body will thank you tenfold!
If you enjoyed Su’s story, be sure to click like and share it! A little shared inspiration could change someone’s life!