Am I ready to take Return to Life Pilates Mat Class?

Every Saturday morning at 9 am I teach a class titled: Return to Life on the Mat. The class is a Pilates mat class that flows through the original Pilates Mat work sequence that Joseph H. Pilates created in his 1945 book titled: Return to Life.  It’s probably one of my favorite classes to teach because I love how truly invigorating and empowering a Pilates Mat practice is!

It’s the only class on our schedule right now that we require instructor approval before clients take it, but you might be surprised at the prerequisites we consider as instructors before we give you our approval.

My impression of what clients think about this prerequisite is this:

  • I have to be able to do all the exercises at their fullest expression (ie most challenging version).
  • no chronic injuries or tightness or minor pain in your body
  • I need to be super fit, strong all over and approaching my ideal body weight and size (whatever that is…)

These are NOT what I consider when I give my approval to a client.  I believe we should do Pilates to return to life just like Joe talks about in his book.  The very reason I do it myself is so that I can balance out my body and get rid of pesky aches and pains. I do it so that I can do all the fun physical things I want to do in my life (climb, hike, paddleboard, keep up with my kids, whatever!) If I used any of those above criteria to judge whether I was going to do my Pilates Mat practice- I would never do it!!

[tweetthis hidden_urls=”http:/” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]If a #pilates class requires approval do I have 2 be skinny and fit?[/tweetthis]

The requirements for taking this class have to do with having an established practice and being present in your body so you stay safe and continue to progress.  During Return to Life we incorporate the Pilates principle of flow and keep participants moving from one exercise to the next and we don’t have the time to teach an exercise from the beginning or teach it as we would to those newer to Pilates.  We will still teach the intricacies of the exercises but we probably won’t go over in detail how to do things like engage your deep abdominal muscles and other basic fundamental skills. 

Here’s the things I look for when giving a client approval to take our Return to Life Mat class

  • He/She has been practicing Pilates and has a good understanding of each exercise in their body. It’s important to have a basic knowledge of each exercise so that you are not spending time wondering what to do but you can do the exercise and listen to the instructor for fine tuning..taking your practice to the next level.
  • You know what your working level is and how to adjust it.  You see there is a version of each Pilates Mat exercise that you can do no matter where you are in your body.  As long as you know what that version is and know how to adjust it in your body you would be fine in a class setting.
  • Confidence in your Pilates practice.  You don’t need to be able to do the full expression of an exercise, but you need to know how to do the exercise safely in your body and you need to be confident enough that you can do your version of an exercise even if everyone else is doing something different!!  You need to be confident and comfortable doing a smaller range of motion than what your neighbor is doing in class or maybe even doing something that looks completely different.
  • Know how to listen to your body and adjust accordingly- again not also an easy thing to do in a group class setting if you are worried about keeping up with everyone else.  Just because you have done an exercise in it’s fullest expression doesn’t mean you’ll do it that way every time you do it.  If your back is feeling a little tight and achy one day you may need to adjust your entire workout and your range of motion to adjust for this.

Wondering if you’re ready to try Return to Life?  Review the list above and check in with your instructor to get their feedback.  We’d love to see you in class but more than anything want to make sure you are being safe in your body!  Want a bird’s eye view into what Return to Life Pilates Mat Class looks like?  Check out the video below where we recorded one of our classes! 


Can Pilates Class be effective with someone 50 years your senior??

I taught a Pilates Reformer class yesterday and had 2 participants…one was 26 and the other was more than 50 years older!  I couldn’t help thinking as I was teaching… How amazing is that??! These two women who are clearly at very different places in their lives came in and got on their reformers and went through a whole body workout focused around the Pilates principles of breath, centering, balance and just plain good movement skills together!  And in case you are wondering about the pace of class…..the 26 year old was often looking over at the older client to get a visual of what we were doing next or how to do an exercise as we flowed through a traditional reformer workout!  This situation really exemplified to me one of the things I love about Pilates as a movement method… is accessible for ANY BODY at ANY Age, SHAPE or SIZE! 

There are no prerequisites to starting to learn the Pilates method in your body.   You simply have to be willing to learn new things and practice.  Whether you are twenty something or in your seventies you can learn to move better in your body and how to stay strong, balanced and healthy simply by showing up and doing the work on a regular basis.  When you are starting Pilates there are a few tips that I would give any body:

  • Start at the beginning!  Even if you are an elite athlete, even if you can hold a plank for 5 minutes or run a marathon…..there is so much value at learning the basic skills we use in Pilates because these are basic movement skills that we use in all types of movements.  Give your brain and your body time to learn what you are doing and why and you’ll progress much quicker than trying to just jump into a more “advanced” workout!
  • Keep practicing!   The value of a movement practice like Pilates is the “practice” portion of it!  Take the time to focus your body and mind and do the movements on a regular basis.  The movements may be a super challenge or they may seem not very intense or “workout like” to you… do them anyway!  The Pilates movements will teach you to strengthen your center by stabilizing your back, help you gain flexibility in your body by sequentially moving through your spine and teach you to coordinate your breath with your movement( great for better focus in your life and stress and anxiety relief!).  The absolute only way to feel the benefits in your life is to do the movements on a regular basis!! 
  • Work at your own level.  Don’t worry about what an exercise looks like or that what you are doing does not look like what your neighbor in class is doing! Another benefit of learning a movement practice like Pilates is learning to pay attention to how movements feel in your body and trusting yourself to adjust as needed.  Your teacher of course is going to give you movement suggestions and options, but ultimately the goal is for you to be able to know what the goals of the exercise are and then be able to decide and execute how you are going to do the exercise on any given day.  
  • Let yourself be a beginner for awhile!  Don’t feel rushed to get to the next level and try not to fret over not being able to do an exercise perfectly after your 3rd session!  There is no prize for being able to hold a picture perfect teaser, other than the prize of feeling great in your body because of all the good movement practice you got while working your way to that teaser!  Every time you practice those basic movement skills you will be gaining the strength, flexibility and balance that will allow your body to do what is considered the more intermediate/advanced exercises when it’s ready.

If you are thinking about starting a Pilates practice we have a lot of great options at the studio.  I always suggest starting of with a complimentary private session.  This session allows you to get introduced to Pilates in a way that is completely individualized to you!  It gives your instructor a chance to work with you and see how you learn best so they can guide you to the best way to start you Pilates journey.  Most students end up starting with private lessons or one of our Beginner Class series after that initial session so that they can build a strong understanding of the basics in their body.  

Contact us today to get started with a complimentary private session!

Workshop: Using the Oov to find your core.

Find Your Core with the Oov with Jenny Arnold

April 28, 11am to 12:15 pm

Do you ever wonder if you are actually engaging your “core muscles”? Do you ever question if you actually have core muscles? ( We know you do!) Maybe you just want to know how you could engage those core muscles better or more often so they can continue to strengthen and support you?

The Oov is a new fitness tool that is quickly becoming a standard piece of equipment in Pilates studios. Pilates teachers love how the design of the Oov allows clients to quickly and efficiently activate and find their core stabilizing muscles and figure out how to balance their body out. The Oov works by activating the user’s core stabilizing muscles while also gently extending the spine to stimulate healthy intervertebral disc lubrication.(ie strengthen your core and your back feels amazing when you are done!) If you want to work on strengthening your core muscles and improving your balance you have to try the OOV!

PMA certified Pilates Instructor Jenny Arnold, owner of Intelligent Movement Pilates Studio  in Dyersville is going to be teaching an Oov Workshop designed to introduce class participants to the Oov. You’ll learn how to get set up properly on the Oov and you’ll get a chance to try a variety of exercises that are designed to work your core muscles like you’ve never experienced. No Pilates experience is needed. This workshop will be great if you are a true beginner or a seasoned athlete.

Workshop: Yoga for the Body, Mind and Soul

Spring Cleaning – A Yoga Practice for the Body,Mind and Soul 

 with Nicole Sohalia Hussain

March 24, 11:30am to 1:30pm

Join guest instructor Nicole for this special yoga practice designed to cleanse your body, clear your mind, and speak to your soul. In this two-hour workshop, Nicole will blend powerful detoxifying pranayama (breathwork) with dynamic asana (postures) and guided meditation to create a space for students to release tension and constriction in the body while strengthening and lengthening the spine in order to to allow prana (life-force energy) to flow freely and abundantly. Revitalize & renew yourself as we shed the layers of winter and welcome the budding seeds of spring!
Nicole Sohalia Hussain has been teaching yoga for the last decade and is a life-long dancer & performing artist. She believes that a full and happy life is an embodied one, in which we come into deep integrated relationship with this unique vessel we were each gifted. An advocate for the power of movement to bring us into harmony with ourselves and the world around us, she shares this path to self-understanding & self-expression through yoga, dance, and her healing practice.
 $20 per person

March Life Inspired Session: Yoga with Nick Glasgow


Yoga with Nick Glasgow

Friday, March 23

6 to 7:30 pm


Life Inspired is a monthly gathering that we host for our clients and the community to come to the studio and maybe learn something new and always having some fun with each other!

This month we will host a Yoga class with Nick Glasgow and we will end the night with some time to hang out and have wine and chocolate!

This is a free class, but space is limited, so sign up to reserve your spot!