If you’ve ever had foot, toe or ankle pain….I have so much to share with you!
Have you ever stubbed your pinky toe on the corner of the dresser and then realized for the next week how important that pinky toe is because it hasn’t healed and is effecting every step you take?
Perhaps you have dealt with that annoying pain in the bottom of your foot called plantar fasciitis that is especially painful when you first climb out of bed in the morning?
Anybody get foot cramps that wake you in the night? Do you have some toes that look like they are permanently curled under or maybe you have a bunion that seems to be getting worse rather than better?

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, my guess is you are starting to realize that your feet are important to your health, and your connection with your daily activities! Every step you take starts with your feet.
As a Pilates Instructor, I see many many people who have taken their feet for granted for years. It’s easy to to wake up with a foot cramp and decide you didn’t drink enough water, or you haven’t had a banana for a while. But is it a little thing like that? Or are you just neglecting to take care of your feet?
If your feet hurt, it’s hard to get any movement time in. Ignoring foot care sometimes ends with visits to your general physician or podiatrist, broken bones, or worse yet, a fall that could be catastrophic.
I created our #LiveBetter Happy Healthy Feet workshop because I believe movement keeps you healthy. If your feet are hurting or you have plantar fasciitis, it limits your movement, and you can’t keep moving and it becomes easy to get out of the healthy habits that you have put in place in your life.
Foot health is critical to good health. Our Happy Healthy Feet workshop is online now! In this workshop you will learn what the most important things are you should be doing for your feet (the things that will help you the most are unique to you). You can attend at your convenience from your own home, and if you have any questions, you can email Carey and she’ll answer you!

I’ll give you simple exercises to make your feet and ankles stronger and healthier that you’ll be able to start implementing immediately. You’ll get the recording of the workshop, so you can retake it whenever you want AND you’ll get my special exercise guide with reminders of what exercises to do and the benefits of each. $25 workshop now or visits to physicians, podiatrists, maybe even physical therapy in the future. If you are dealing with any kind of foot problems, you have nothing to lose by taking this workshop!
I’ll be using a few simple props during the workshop that I’m guessing you probably already have. I’ll be using a small massage ball (any tennis ball sized ball will work), a resistance band and a hand towel. If you need a band or a ball before the workshop be sure to purchase one in our online store and you can pick it up at the studio or we can ship it to you!
You don’t need any Pilates experience to attend this workshop. This workshop will help everyone — whether you go to formal exercise classes or not. Everyone will benefit! Register here!