Do you remember someone sitting on your feet and you had to do crunches in gym class? Or maybe you took a fitness class where you were trying to do as many sit ups  or crunches as you could in a short amount of time?  It wasn’t any fun and hurt your back.   The […]

Maybe you’ve never even thought about how you breathe and how it affects your health…if not you should! Joseph Pilates talked a lot about the importance of learning to breath correctly in his book, Return to Life.  Joseph Pilates said,” Breathing is the first act of life and our last and our very life depends […]

Are you wanting to try Yoga or maybe you’ve practiced in the past and you’re looking for a class that fits you?  Let me tell you about our Gentle Yoga classes so you can decide if it might be a good fit for you! Gentle Yoga is a slow paced class that focuses on the […]