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This standing Magic Circle Workout will not only strengthen your body but will also help you work on your balance!  If you don’t have a magic circle at home we have some in the studio and VIP’s get $10 off if purchased in January.

Danielle Wilbanks January 2018 Inspiration of the Month    When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I started doing Pilates in October 2017. I was having a lot of hip, back and shoulder pain and couldn’t even sit on the floor with my kids to play for longer than 5 minutes. […]

  We have a lot of couples that practice Pilates together and rave about the benefits of not just Pilates, but getting to workout together.  Whether you are both brand new or maybe one of you has some Pilates experience, you’re going to enjoy this chance to learn and practice the Pilates basic mat exercises together! […]