Beginner Yoga 4 Week Series   Our September series filled so quick we added two more Beginner Yoga series in October (Wednesdays at 7:30 pm) and in November (Tuesdays at 7:30 pm)  This series is designed to introduce Yoga to those with limited or no experience.  If you’re a beginner in Yoga or haven’t practiced […]

Inspiration of the Month Kathleen Knutson When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I starting taking Pilates classes at Rivercity a little over a year ago. I had sporadically taken large group mat classes over the years at various gyms but was looking for a smaller studio to get better instruction on the proper form […]

 This month’s studio focus is the idea of centering in your movement practice and in your life, and I think it’s pretty relevant to this time of year. For me centering represents focusing on the important stuff first, because I find when I take care of what matters most first everything else falls into place. […]