Do you ever get bored with your workouts? If you asked me this I would probably say no. There is so much variety built in to the Pilates movements and system it would be hard to get bored.  I realized this week though that I do “work” at not being bored and I kind of […]

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I was working with a client this morning, and she was struggling with not “scrunching” her shoulders.    As we worked through her session, she talked about years of working at a desk using a computer sometimes with good posture, sometimes with questionable poster, carrying heavy computers to and from work on a commute in […]

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?  I found my way to Rivercity Pilates in February 2016. I started with the Couch Potato Workshop! I was inspired to start because I was far too stiff, creaky and weak for an otherwise healthy woman in her late 40s. I had major organ […]