One of the many bonuses of being a Pilates teacher and working with bodies day in and day out is that you become very aware of your own body, it’s alignment and how it functions.  Over the years one of the areas of the body that really stands out to me as so important (but […]

It’s summer and if you are like us you have been getting outside more than ever to plant your garden, pull weeds  (can I hear some groans…), mow the lawn and water those beautiful flowers!  In this month’s client inspired video we give you some tips on how you can incorporate your Pilates practice into […]

Like many fitness fads, if you google Pilates teacher training you’ll find hundreds of options.  You can find online courses, 2 hour courses and programs that take a year or more!!  If you are considering wanting to teach Pilates you might wonder what the difference is and how do you find a program right for […]