Pilates instructors are very passionate people who LOVE what they do and they love the people they work with.  In honor of Valentine’s Day,  this letter was written to show you how much we care! Dear Devoted Pilates Client, 1.  You are amazing!  I am amazed and inspired daily by your devotion to your Pilates […]

As someone who teaches movement for a career I have to tell you sometimes I am honestly surprised at how strong, flexible and functional my body is.  I’ve been keeping track of my Pilates practice since the beginning of the year for this blog and I have to tell you I don’t workout in the […]

Is the Teaser your nemesis?  In this video Carey gives you her favorite Teaser tips and her favorite way to help people practice their teaser! [tweetthis]Is #Pilates #Teaser hard for you? Use a #theraband to help your muscles learn![/tweetthis]