I got to start off my week taking a Pilates Mat class this week and it reminded me of all the reasons I should take more classes with other instructors even though I practice Pilates on my own on a regular basis!! 1. 50 minutes of me time!  It’s pretty rare that I take a […]

One of my long time clients was laughing at me today in our session.  I think the moment happened something like this:  I said ” We’re going to do five of these”.  As I watching her move I made a few adjustments as she was doing the exercise and at some point said, “OK, one […]

I ran across this graphic the other day ago and thought it had some great tips for those trying to get started adding more movement into their life! 1. You’re not always going to feel like it.  Even those people who have made movement and exercise a habit in their life…don’t always “feel” like doing […]