One of the things I love most about my own Pilates practice is that I can do it anywhere (and I do)!  I love that whether I have 40 minutes or 5 minutes I can find some movement sequence to do that makes me feel better and energizes me.  I don’t need to rely on […]

Breath and concentration (two of our Pilates principles) can do amazing things!  I woke up on New Years day with a pesky pain in the muscles between my shoulder blade and spine.  It was nothing horrible, just a “I must have slept wrong” kind of pain. My usual routine in the morning is to start […]

Want to tone and strengthen your arms without the wrist compression and pain that can often be associated with a traditional tricep dip?  Grab a Pilates Magic Circle and try this super effective Pilates exercise!! [tweetthis]If your wrists hurt when you do tricep dips – try this! [/tweetthis]