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Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Office Pilates Day 15: Pilates Swan at your desk!
Office PilatesTake a break from that hunched, rounded seated position to do a gentle back extension and your body will thank you!! For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during your work day, visit any of the links below: [catlist name=”office-pilates” numberposts=30 pagination=yes instance=1]
Office Pilates Day 14: One Leg Balance
Office Pilates, Pilates in Your LifeHow’s your balance? If you have a standing desk you can easily stand on one leg and balance and still keep working!! Standing balance exercises will strengthen muscles in your foot, ankle, legs and hips and give you more functional balance throughout your life! For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during […]
Office Pilates Day 13: Use your desk time to stretch and strengthen your feet
Office Pilates, Pilates in Your LifeIn today’s Office Pilates series Carey gives you some exercises you can do at your desk at work to stretch and strengthen your feet and ankles using a small 4 inch ball ( any small ball could work). For more exercises you can do at your desk, check out our