Plank challenges are everywhere and this month we put together our own version of a 30 day plank challenge. We hope you’ll join us! There’s a good reason you see this exercise being practiced in a ton of different types of fitness classes – it is highly effective and works the entire body.  It’s most effective […]

It’s Meet the Instructor Monday, and today we would like to introduce you to Julie Jack.   We know that it’s important for you to be comfortable with your instructor during your workout so here’s your chance get to know Julie a little better!! Julie has been teaching at Rivercity Pilates for just over a […]

One of the most common questions I hear on a client’s second visit, goes something like this: “I felt really great after our session. I felt taller and my posture was better. My ____________________(fill in the blank with an achy body part like low back, shoulder, neck, foot, etc.) seems to be feeling better . […]