Welcome back to our Pilates and pregnancy blog! This week the baby is about 18 inches long and 3.2 pounds. If the baby arrives when he’s supposed to we’ve got less than 10 weeks to go!  I’ve noticed a small amount of swelling in my legs along with occasional leg cramps the past few weeks. […]

The Pilates method of exercise is based on learning specific principles of breath, control, precision, flowing movement, centering, and concentration.   Learning the method is truly a process that is continually challenging you to connect to your body so you can learn to breathe more efficiently, move from your center, and create uniform development or balance […]

Do you have chronic neck pain, limited range of movement in your neck, fused cervical vertebrae or other neck issues? The Pilates Method of exercise may be the perfect form of exercise for you. Often times people with neck problems give up exercise all together because popular exercises can exaggerate their pain and leave them […]