We hear it all the time…..I feel so much better after class.  I almost didn’t come to class, but now I’m so glad I did. We  know that many times the hardest part is just getting here.  Sure class can be a challenge, but the focused movement and breathing are sure to leave you energized, […]

The plank is great for overall strengthening of your body and really prepares your body to do some of the more challenging Pilates exercises.  Make sure you really focus on your form by incorporating your Pilates fundamentals like engaging your deep abdominal muscles, breathing, and stabilizing your shoulders(don’t sink into the shoulders!). Try one of […]

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I started Pilates in June of 2013.  Katie Wera, the Cancer Care Coordinator from Mercy Hospital in Iowa City was my inspiration.  Ms. Wera is a dedicated and hard working cancer care coordinator who is truly concerned about her patients. Soon after my bi-lateral […]