You’ve probably heard us talk about the upcoming 21 Day Empower Your Body Challenge, or maybe you’ve seen it in our newsletter or on our blog.  Today we just want to clear up exactly what it is, who it is for, and answer some of the common questions we are hearing! The Empower Your Body […]

I don’t know about you, but about this time every year I find myself asking, “Where did summer go?”  Summer is one of my favorite times of the year and it always seems to go by so quickly! I also find myself sitting down to schedule my life for the rest of the year.  I […]

At Rivercity Pilates we’re passionate about Pilates and the wonderful effects it can have on your body and your life!  We’ve seen how transforming Pilates can be for cancer survivors who are trying to move on with their life and regain a little bit of normal again. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’ll be giving […]