Exercises for Happy Healthy Hips

Do you ever wonder if you are doing things correctly when you are practicing an exercise at home?  If you said yes…sometimes I do wonder that…you are not alone.  I think one of the reason so many people fall in love with Pilates as a way to exercise is that when they started taking sessions […]

If you’ve ever had foot, toe or ankle pain….I have so much to share with you! Have you ever stubbed your pinky toe on the corner of the dresser and then realized for the next week how important that pinky toe is because it hasn’t healed and is effecting every step you take? Perhaps you […]

If you have ever had foot pain you know how debilitating it can be and how it can affect your whole body. In this #Livebetter workshop we’ll talk about some basics of why the feet are so important in relationship to the rest of the body’s movements and in our daily life. You’ll walk away […]