I hear it all the time. “Can you just give me a few exercises I can do to make my back feel better?” If you are looking for a quick fix I’m here to tell you there isn’t one! If you want to make changes in how your body feels you need to learn to […]

Have you heard of a spinal replacement? Neither have I. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your spine and it’s why I developed this new online workshop. All you need is access to the internet and a space at home to watch & participate in the workshop. This is not “just another exercise […]

Let me guess…you’ve tried those dvds (or even vhs) workouts at home in the past? Maybe they worked for you for awhile, but then you got bored of doing the same thing or maybe you just plain got out of the habit of doing them? When the pandemic happened and you started hearing about virtual […]