Do you sit a lot daily? My guess is if you answered yes then you’ve also experienced at least the occasional bout of back pain or maybe you deal with it on a regular basis.  I know this because when you sit a lot your gluteus muscles (your butt muscles) spend a lot of time not […]

I don’t know about anybody else, but I’ve had my share of comfort foods this year! I’m not sure but I think that my hidden chocolate stash (hidden because I have 2 teenage boys) probably saved my sanity during quarantine time.  And let’s be real…when you can’t leave your house, there are no outside activities and […]

Just 5 years ago, I was in my late fifties, and I was overweight, out of shape and not very healthy. i was the ultimate couch potato . I was pretty sure I could get up off the floor, but I knew I wasn’t looking too graceful while I did it.  My back hurt almost […]