Are you concerned about not being able to do that Pilates Roll Up or maybe you can’t quite master your Teaser?  Watch this week’s Empower Your Body~Inspire Your Life moment with Rivercity Pilates owner Carey Sadler to find out the secret to mastering those challenging exercises!!

The more you can look at an injury or pain as a gift.. a signal to slow down and pay attention to your movements the better your experience will be and the quicker you will recover.

Tiger Woods, Rocco Mediare, Phil Mickelson, Carin Coch, Annika Sorenstan, Camilo Vilegas, Richard Beem, Butch Harmon, Betsy King, David Duval, and Kelli Kuehne all do Pilates to improve their golf game. There must be a reason – right? What can Pilates do for your golf game? 1. Pilates will strengthen your core muscles.  The overall […]