inspiration of the month Jff miller from Solon iowa

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you?I began with an introductory course by Carey in January, almost a year ago. I am normally active, but I slowly realized my core strength was beginning to diminish, so being pro-actively searched, and discovered a remedy with Pilates. How often do you practice Pilates?I normally attend […]

How do you feel about exercise?  Is it something you enjoy and look forward to?  Or do you think of it as a chore, something you know you should do, but not necessarily something you want to do? At Rivercity Pilates we believe that movement and exercise should be fun and enjoyable.  Exercise should be […]

Have you ever wondered what is better- Mat Pilates or Equipment Pilates?  Or maybe you are curious about what the difference is between the mat work and the equipment work.  Keep reading and hopefully we’ll answer your questions! First of all it’s important to realize that Pilates is a method of exercise and there are […]