We have some new teachers in the studio, and we thought you might like to get  to know them better!     Tell us about yourself / your family.  I absolutely love to read and I’m a total nerd, in general.  I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Science. I now love to nerd out over […]

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?I started Pilates in late April 2019.  My co-worker, Teena  invited me to a 6:00 am Friday morning mat class.  I was hooked after that session.  How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?I practice about […]

I have to tell you about something someone told me this week! My client says to me at the beginning of her session:      I was out pulling weeds and we had some really tall weeds, that were probably this high(she held her hand as high as her shoulder!) So I got down low and […]