Every morning after I get up I grab a glass, fill it with water and make my self drink it. I say “make” because on many days I’d much rather have my coffee first thing…but I know that water is what my body really needs and making this simple little change in my habits (water first […]

 Inspiration of the Month October 2018 Diana Strahan  When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?  When my youngest son started college last year I decided it was finally time to focus on myself and me and some friends started looking for an exercise class of some sort.  Although I had been working out regularly on my […]

  This workshop will take you through the entire Pilates Mat sequence that Joseph Pilates outlined in his book, “Return to Life”.  For each exercise we’ll talk about how Joe did the exercise, the goals and skills of the exercise, transitions between exercises and how you can find a working level version of the exercise […]