Pilates Equipment for Back Health New Class beginning Tuesday, September 11! with Shaina Boylan Tuesdays at 7pm     Pilates Equipment for Back Health: This beginner friendly Pilates equipment class will explore using a variety of pieces of the Pilates equipment to help you gain mobility in your back while increasing your core strength and […]

If you have ever had foot pain you know how debilitating it can be and how it can affect your whole body. In this workshop we’ll talk about some basics of why the feet are so important in relationship to the rest of the body’s movements and in our daily life. You’ll walk away with […]

Not everyone loves to exercise….we understand!  At Rivercity Pilates we tailor our individual sessions and group classes to the “everyday” person (you know…the average person who just wants to exercise so they can feel better in their body, avoid injuries and keep up with life’s activities).  Our goal is to create an environment that you […]