Pilates and Pregnancy – Week 33: Hip-Opening Exercises to prepare for Labor & Delivery

Welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! This week the baby is around 4.6 lbs, the size of a honey dew melon when curled up in the fetal position, and 19-20 inches long.

I have been feeling well for the most part, but have noticed increased swelling in my hands, calves, ankles, and feet. To combat the swelling, I am drinking lots of water and trying to move and stretch where I feel tight. For example, before I get out of bed in the morning I do circles with my wrists and ankles to increase circulation.

This week, Carey started me out working on the Chair.   The Pilates Chair is so great for pregnant women! A good portion of the work on the Chair can be done in either seated, side-lying, or standing positions, thus eliminating lying on your belly or back.

My sessions have definitely been more focused on hip opening lately which I’m hopinCassie split pedal 34 weeksg will facilitate the birthing process!

This week we used a split-pedal Chair with the pedal split, which means that it’s more work to coordinate the movements of your right and left sides of the body .

We started with seated Footwork in a wide turnout position. The work is to try and push just as much with your right leg as you do with your left, which is harder than it sounds! Since my left side has felt tighter throughout the entire pregnancy, I could tell right away that it didn’t want to push down as far as my right.

WeCassie front push thru 34 weeks moved to the Tower next and did Front Push Through with my legs wide, draping off the sides of the mat.  This version modifies the stretch so that you feel it more in your hips. It also allows you to stretch further forward when you have a belly in the way than you could if your feet were not dropped down.

Cassie squats 34 weeks

Finally, we did a fun version of Russian Squats on the floor Tower. Instead of standing on the mat, Carey had me take my feet to the floor beside the mat . The combination of taking my legs wider and standing a few inches lower than normal made it easier to squat deeply and feel a nice hip-opening stretch.


We’ll see you next week!



Pilates and Pregnancy – Week 32: My Top 5 Favorite Pilates Exercises for Pregnancy

Welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! This week the baby is about 19 inches long and 3.9 pounds. I had a doctor’s appointment and am happy to report that everything looks good. Baby’s head is down, he had a strong heartbeat, and my belly is still measuring on track. Only eight more weeks to go!

This week I wanted to share my top 5 favorite Pilates exercises for pregnancy. Throughout my pregnancy, my body has changed immensely, but these exercises continue to feel good. Carey and I did some variation of each of these exercises this week.

  1. Mermaid. The classical Pilates exercise Mermaid can be performed on the mat, Chair, Reformer, and Cadillac. My favorite version throughout pregnancy has been on the Reformer. This exercise is great because it stretches out the side waist and hips. Carey modified my leg position so that rather than having one leg stacked on top of the other, I position one bent leg up against the shoulder blocks and the other bent leg opens to the side of the carriage (see picture below).
  2. Leg springs with my head supported. Using the Cadillac or Tower systems, Carey has me rest my head and neck on a small half barrel. I rest my arms beside me and she helps me get my feet into the leg springs. The added lift of the half barrel makes it more work to keep my hips stable, but also prevents heartburn or too much pressure from lying flat on my back. Leg springs feel great on both my inner thighs and outer hips, which are tighter now than they were before becoming pregnant.
  3. Thigh stretch over the big ball. To do thigh stretch over the big ball, Carey has me sit back on my heels and then she positions the big ball directly behind me. I drape my body back over the ball so that my head rests on the ball. Even without moving this is a big stretch for my quads. To get the full thigh stretch, I lift my hips a few inches away from my heels on the inhale and then relax them back down on the exhale. Since everything in my hips/quads/lower abdomen region is tight, this exercise helps to gently stretch those muscles (see picture below).
  4. Cat. My low back has felt tight or sore off and on during the second and third trimesters. There are many variations of Cat, but my two favorites are standing with my hands holding onto either side of the Chair, and kneeling with both palms flat on a big exercise ball. While holding either of those positions, I transition through a rounding and extension of the spine. I perform some variation of this exercise every day and it never fails to help relieve my low back pain.
  5. Standing arm springs. Unlike the previous four exercises, the standing arm springs series does not stretch or relieve any pregnancy-induced tightness. However, this series is great for keeping up arm strength and working on shoulder stability (see picture below).



21 weeks








There you have it – my top 5 favorite Pilates exercises for pregnancy!

See you next week,


Pilates Inspiration of the Month – Sandy Schaefer

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

 I started Pilates in July 2013 to improve movement and strengthen core muscles.

 What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice? 

 I have issues with my back. Pilates is helping to increase my ability to strengthen these muscles.

Why did you decide to do the 2014 Empower Your Body Challenge? 

I started the Challenge so that I would begin a regular exercise and diet program.  With the e-mails, weekly goals, and class requirement I am getting into good practices. I also liked the ability to participate in unlimited classes.

 What was your favorite part about the Challenge? 

I am getting 6-8 classes in a week. I have started jump board, very fun! I am going to try ball mat class this week. I make a weekly schedule so I have planned in cardio time so I get it done.

 Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I really enjoy the tower. I feel that it has helped me the most. I move easier with the tower and am able to get up into teaser position now.

 What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates? 

I know that it took time for me to get into a Pilates program, but I am really finding that it is helping my movement and my spirit. All the instructors are so accommodating to my limitations and offer modifications which encourage me to keep working. The biggest benefit so far has been my ability to stand straighter because my back and core muscles are getting stronger!

Pilates and Pregnancy – Week 31: Chair Workout and a Baby Shower!

Welcome back to our Pilates and pregnancy blog! This week the baby is about 18 inches long and 3.4 pounds. I am firmly in the nesting phase of this pregnancy, which includes house projects that could definitely wait and a multitude of lists. Good thing I have Pilates to maintain my mental and physical health!


This week Carey had lots of fun exercises in store. We used the Chair along with Balanced Body’s Slastix Resistance Bands (pictured right).The bands hook onto the Chair and can be used in a variety of ways to create resistance.

We started with footwork on the Chair and as I pushed the paddle down with my feet, I held one handle of the Resistance Bands in each hand and did a straight arm lift out to the side. It only took a few repetitions to feel the work in my shoulders! Next, Carey had me sit on a large exercise ball in front of the Chair. I was turned so that the right side of my body was at 90 degrees to the paddle. Then, we did the first three exercises in the Reformer Side Arm Series – Open the Door, Shave the Face, and Lawn Mower – using the Slastix bands hooked to the Chair. Afterwards, I held the Slastix handle in my right hand and did Mermaid reaching away from the Chair. It was great arm work and helped stretch out my side waist.

We ended the workout with low back and side waist stretching. Carey had me stand in front of the Chair, about a foot’s distance back, and hold on to the outer edges of the Chair for support. From there, I softened my knees and flowed through a rounding and extension of the spine similar to Cat/Cow in yoga. Then, I flattened my back and did a subtle side bending motion. Carey describes this motion as being similar to a dog trying to look at its tail. You gently turn your head to one side at the same time that you move your hips to that side, and then switch.

And then it was time to party! Okay . . . not right then, but a few days later Carey threw me a fabulous baby shower and lots of our studio clients attended. We had so much fun and I cannot thank Carey and everyone who celebrated (in person or from afar) enough. This baby already feels so loved. :)

Here are some pictures from the shower day.

31 weeks Baby bowling








Peg, Sandy, and Diane at the baby shower Janee at the baby shower








Welcome Baby Boy! Cassie and Carey at the Baby Shower








The whole crew at the baby shower! Ari, Su, and Peg at baby shower









Check in next week for news of my 32 week appointment!


The Pilates Ped-o-Pull- What is it and what can you do on it?

The Pilates Ped-o-pull is a unique piece of Pilates equipment that you may have never even heard of. The Ped-o-pull consists of pedopulla base platform and an upright pole that has two springs with handles. Participants stand on the platform,center themselves against the pole and then use the handles attached to the spring to do various exercises.

Like many of Joseph Pilates’ pieces of equipment it is simple yet genius, because of its ability to challenge the body to create efficient, balanced movement.  The exercises you can practice on the Ped-o-Pull range from simple to quite advanced.

In the video, Carey teaches Sandy some basic Ped-o-pull exercises so you can see this little known piece of equipment in action! The Ped-o-pull is especially good for working on your standing alignment, strengthening the muscles around the shoulder girdle, fine tuning your Pilates breathing and is wonderful for strengthening you core muscles!

Pilates and Pregnancy – Week 30: Big Ball Exercises

Welcome back to our Pilates and pregnancy blog! This week the baby is about 18 inches long and 3.2 pounds. If the baby arrives when he’s supposed to we’ve got less than 10 weeks to go!  I’ve noticed a small amount of swelling in my legs along with occasional leg cramps the past few weeks. Other than that, I’ve been feeling pretty good!

This week we started my workout with a great leg stretch in a seated position. To do the stretch, I sat tall and leaned back toward the mat with my arms supporting me just behind my hips. While in the supported leaning back position, I started by pointing and flexing my feet. It was a small movement, but felt really good to stretch the bottom half of my legs and get some movement through my feet and ankles. Next, we did a little internal and external rotation of the legs by turning the thighs and knees in toward and then away from one another.  By gently rotating the legs in and out I could feel the stretch all the way up in my hips.


We did a series of exercises using the big exercise ball in our session. The balls are very supportive and can be used in a variety of positions during labor. Carey is hoping that by getting me comfortable moving and exercising with the ball I will make an easy transition to using the ball during labor. They are available at the hospital where I plan to deliver, but just in case they’re all spoken for, I will be bringing my own.

We started our ball work in a kneeling position with my hands on top of the ball in front of me. Pushing down gently, I rounded and then extended my spine in a cat/cow motion. It was work in my arms to stabilize the upper half of my body and felt nice to stretch out my low back. In between this and some of the other exercises I would drape over the ball in a modified child’s pose position which not only felt great but will also be a great position to use throughout labor (according to Carey).

We also did some leg lift variations where my side body was supported by the ball. I had to work to maintain my balance while I did different leg lifting and rotating exercises. These exercises were a lot of work and I didn’t feel like I could lift my leg very high. It felt nice, however, to move through my hips which have progressively tightened during the pregnancy.

We ended the session with a great quad/hip opening stretch. You can see this one pictured above. To start, Carey had me sit back on my heels (or as close to it as I could get) and drape my body and head back over the big ball. Just being in that supported position was a quad stretch. Then, she had me gently push my hips forward to intensify the quad stretch and help open up the front of my hips. It was a subtle movement, but a nice stretch.

Check in next week for all the details on the shower Carey and our wonderful clients threw for me!
