Inspiration of the Month- Nancy Roberston


Inspiration of the Month
July 2014
Nancy Robertson

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started after taking a free lesson with Cassie, who had been my law school intern several years ago. I had always wanted to try it and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I am the Executive Director of a domestic violence/sexual assault center that serves twelve counties and is extremely stressful. Cassie’s knowledge of this work was helpful in my being able to talk about the challenges of the week during my lesson.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?
I have been doing one private lesson per week since last May. I would love to do classes and lessons more frequently but I drive from either Oskaloosa where I work, or Des Moines where I live.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?
I often say that I should be paying for therapy in addition to my lesson because that is what I feel like I get from my sessions. The opportunity to work the stress out of my body is extremely beneficial. My core strength is greatly improved and I get great satisfaction from being able to do a movement that was extremely difficult when I started. I am often questioned about the fact that I make an hour and a half drive for my lessons but I feel like it is worth it both for my physical and mental health. Having to make that drive I really make my lessons a priority. I believe it is the one thing I do each week that is strictly for me. I think if I were doing Pilates in Des Moines it would be easy to say I’ll go tomorrow, and then never really get there.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
I really enjoy the work on the Cadillac.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
It is a great workout for the body and soul. Try the complimentary lesson and see what you think. It isn’t something you have to do three or four times a week in order to see results.

What I Love about Pilates!

For those of you who practice Pilates you know its not always easy to describe Pilates to those who have never done it.  I had a prospective client ask me the question,” What do you love about Pilates?” .  I naturally listed off some of the many things that popped into my head. Really though I felt like I needed to sit down, think about and write out what it is that I really love about Pilates.

So here it is, short and sweet:RCP-6

I love that this method of exercise challenges me every time I do it.  It challenges my body and my mind and no one workout is ever the same.   I love that my Pilates practice is part of my life and not just something I do for exercise or because I have to.   I LOVE how awake, alive, and accomplished  my body feels after practicing!  I love that anyone in any physical condition, any age, any size, any gender….can be successful at Pilates.   ~Carey

So we want to know- what do you LOVE about Pilates??




Pilates and Pregnancy: Be Patient, Celebrate, and Move Forward

Welcome back to our Pilates and Pregnancy blog! This is going to be my last installment for this pregnancy. It’s been so much fun sharing my journey from 13 weeks pregnant to 7 weeks postpartum with you. I hope that this blog has been helpful and motivational whether you are currently pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant, or just interested in health and movement during pregnancy. Pilates helped me so much both mentally and physically during my pregnancy and in these first weeks of recovery. I cannot wait to continue using Pilates to rebuild my strength and maintain my mental health.

For our last session, Carey taught me on the Reformer. Reformer is probably my favorite piece of equipment. I love that there is a classical sequence of exercisesCassie and Finn that become more challenging the longer you practice. At seven weeks postpartum, we started with Footwork and fine-tuning my form. Carey had me come up into an upper ab curl for my Hundreds, which was a good challenge. When we did Short Spine (where your legs come up over your head) I loved feeling the stretch through my back. I wasn’t able to do Short Spine during the latter months of my pregnancy because my belly was in the way.

When it was time for Teaser, Carey had me lie the long way on the long box with my legs at table top. Traditionally, you would hold onto the handles as you curled up into your Teaser, but Carey let me try it without the handles to start. I took a deep inhale and then tried to curl into my Teaser but couldn’t do it! Don’t get me wrong, Teaser is a challenging exercise, but I was able to do it well pre-pregnancy and in my mind’s eye I could see myself performing the movement with grace and ease. After taking a moment to chastise myself mentally, Carey helped me refocus. I had carried a baby for 39 weeks, my muscles had stretched to accommodate him, I delivered him via C-Section, and was only 7 weeks postpartum. More importantly, I would be able to rebuild the strength but it would take patience and respect for where my body is at currently. Carey modified the exercise my allowing me to hold on to the back of my legs and rock up into Teaser. At the top of Teaser, she had me let go of my legs and reach my arms away as I curled back down.

The Teaser mishap taught me a valuable lesson – whether you are rebuilding muscle after a pregnancy or coming back to Pilates after some time away, be patient with your body, celebrate your body’s ability to move as it can today, and challenge yourself as you move forward.

If you live in the North Liberty/Iowa City/Cedar Rapids corridor, be sure to visit Rivercity Pilates and start challenging yourself today.

Thanks again for sharing this journey with me and Finnegan,

