IMG_0887Every Saturday morning at 9 am I teach a class titled: Return to Life on the Mat. The class is a Pilates mat class that flows through the original Pilates Mat work sequence that Joseph H. Pilates created in his 1945 book titled: Return to Life.  It’s probably one of my favorite classes to teach because I love how truly invigorating and empowering a Pilates Mat practice is!

It’s the only class on our schedule right now that we require instructor approval before clients take it, but you might be surprised at the prerequisites we consider as instructors before we give you our approval.

My impression of what clients think about this prerequisite is this:

  • I have to be able to do all the exercises at their fullest expression (ie most challenging version).
  • no chronic injuries or tightness or minor pain in your body
  • I need to be super fit, strong all over and approaching my ideal body weight and size (whatever that is…)

These are NOT what I consider when I give my approval to a client.  I believe we should do Pilates to return to life just like Joe talks about in his book.  The very reason I do it myself is so that I can balance out my body and get rid of pesky aches and pains. I do it so that I can do all the fun physical things I want to do in my life (climb, hike, paddleboard, keep up with my kids, whatever!) If I used any of those above criteria to judge whether I was going to do my Pilates Mat practice- I would never do it!!

[tweetthis hidden_urls=”http:/” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]If a #pilates class requires approval do I have 2 be skinny and fit?[/tweetthis]

The requirements for taking this class have to do with having an established practice and being present in your body so you stay safe and continue to progress.  During Return to Life we incorporate the Pilates principle of flow and keep participants moving from one exercise to the next and we don’t have the time to teach an exercise from the beginning or teach it as we would to those newer to Pilates.  We will still teach the intricacies of the exercises but we probably won’t go over in detail how to engage your deep abdominal muscles.

Here’s the things I look for when giving a client approval to take our Return to Life Mat class-

  • He/She has been practicing Pilates and has a good understanding of each exercise in their body.It’s important to have a basic knowledge of each exercise so that you are not spending time wondering what to do but you can do the exercise and listen to the instructor for fine tuning..taking your practice to the next level.
  • You know what your working level is and how to adjust it.  You see there is a version of each Pilates Mat exercise that you can do no matter where you are in your body.  As long as you know what that version is and know how to adjust it in your body you would be fine in a class setting.
  • Confidence in your Pilates practice.  You don’t need to be able to do the full expression of an exercise, but you need to know how to do the exercise safely in your body and you need to be confident enough that you can do your version of an exercise even if everyone else is doing something different!!  You need to be confident and comfortable doing a smaller range of motion than what your neighbor is doing in class or maybe even doing something that looks completely different.
  • Know how to listen to your body and adjust accordingly- again not also an easy thing to do in a group class setting if you are worried about keeping up with everyone else.  Just because you have done an exercise in it’s fullest expression doesn’t mean you’ll do it that way every time you do it.  If your back is feeling a little tight and achy one day you may need to adjust your entire workout and your range of motion to adjust for this.

design (20)Wondering if you’re ready to try Return to Life?  Review the list above and check in with your instructor to get their feedback.  We’d love to see you in class but more than anything want to make sure you are being safe in your body!

Want to learn more about incorporating the Pilates principles of control, concentration, centering, flow, precision and breath into every exercise you do?  The Pilates Foundation Workshop on September 13th will take your understanding of the Pilates method to a whole new level and give you confidence in your Pilates practice.







body-weight-scaleAs a professional Pilates instructor I get the chance to work with some amazing, inspiring clients on a daily basis.  And on a daily basis I see how poor body image and limiting thoughts really keep people from being happy, reaching their goals and maybe pursuing bigger goals!  I am thankful in my own life that my Pilates practice has helped me to see past things like the weight on the scale and focus on things that are truly important.

Your weight has nothing to do with your ability to do or teach Pilates.  Pilates is a method of exercising, a movement practice that is truly designed to be accessible to anyone.  Everyone’s Pilates practices are different and they should be.  The exercises are not designed to be one size fits all.  The exercises and the Pilates method is designed to teach your body how to move better and more efficiently every time you do it.  The method allows the practicioner to learn about how their own body works and create a movement practice that makes sense in their body.

[tweetthis hidden_urls=”http:/” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Would you love to teach #PIlates but you need to lose 10+ pounds?[/tweetthis]

If you’re contemplating wanting to teach and share Pilates with others please don’t skip it because you aren’t at your ideal weight or because you can’t do every exercise perfectly yet.  I have some exciting news for you!!  Your clients will all have different, unique bodies and your ability to teach them the Pilates method in their body isn’t dependent on your shape, size or even ability to do each exercise.

In instructor training, you will not only learn how to do exercises in your own body but you’ll learn how to look at other bodies and connect with these bodies so that you can help them discover how to incorporate the Pilates principles into their bodies. You are merely a guide.  Yes it’s important for you to have your own Pilates practice to draw from but teaching is much more than having a client just copy what you are doing.

Interested in learning to teach the Pilates method of exercise?  I would love to share more about our Pilates instructor training programs and mentoring opportunities.  Contact the studio today and set up a time to come in and learn more!!


When did you start coming to Rivercity Pilates and what inspired you to start?

When my good friend, Patti Lounsbury, asked last November if I would like to join her for a session at Rivercity Pilates, I accepted without hesitation.  I had heard of Pilates, but not a clue as to what it was, already working with a personal trainer….and the rest is history.  I’ve loved it since day one, and I’ve never looked back.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?

I typically go twice a week, and I have found the Tower classes to be best for my strength, flexibility and pesky back that needs to be accommodated.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Pam’s #Pilates story. A friends invitation turns into a habit. [/tweetthis]

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?

I always feel energized during and following each class.  We work hard, but have fun, laugh, and feel challenged.  To me, the most important thing is to maintain full mobility, and Pilates is the answer.  Also, the atmosphere at Rivercity Pilates is unbelievably welcoming and friendly.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

As mentioned above, my favorite is the Tower, with a full series of exercises that are ideal for me, as well as Carey, who modifies any exercise to fit personal ability OR disability.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about coming to Rivercity Pilates?

No one should hesitate to try Pilates.  The classes are purposely small, but the participants are varied, with all levels of age, strength, experience, and body size.  Honestly, everyone can benefit!

design (20)If you’re a Pilates student you may have heard about Pilates training workshops for instructors but maybe it never crossed your mind that these workshops might be something you would like to attend.  If your Pilates experience has been primarily attending private sessions and/or group classes you probably have no idea what even goes on in a workshop.  Often times I get the impression that people think we are practicing for Pilates for hours at a time!

I thought I would fill you in a little bit more on our agenda for our Pilates Foundation workshop so you have an idea of what goes on at these Pilates workshops!

Our Pilates Foundations workshop is the first workshop in a series of workshops designed for students who want to teach Pilates. A comprehensive Pilates instructor training program includes a combination of workshop time as we’ll talk about today, but also other components such as observation hours, practice teaching hours, written and practical testing and personal Pilates practice time.  Although this first workshop is designed to be the first workshop in our instructor training program it is also a great workshop for those who may just want to deepen their own Pilates practice and learn more about the history, and the principles that create the Pilates exercise method.  It is a 6 hour workshop.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]What happens at a #Pilates training workshop? Do you workout the whole time?[/tweetthis]

The workshop will kick off with some introductions and a quick overview of what we’ll cover in the workshop. Workshops are held in the Pilates studio and participants are encouraged to get comfortable by either finding a chair or a comfortable spot on a mat or maybe a big exercise ball to sit or lean on.

IMG_0887We’ll start the workshop off by learning more about the founder of Pilates, Joseph H. Pilates.    You’ll learn about Joe’s life story and how his life’s passion turned into what we now call Pilates.  You’ll learn about how the method has been passed down over the years and follow the path to how it got to you! We’ll discuss Joseph Pilates’ book, Return to Life and talk about the principle ideas in his book.  This section of the workshop will be primarily lecture and discussion.

IMG_0891After that we will  go over the Pilates principles in detail.  The Pilates principles are the ideas and concepts that really create Pilates as an exercise method.  This section will be a combination of lecture and discussion with some chances to move and explore how the principles work in action if you want.

Often times I’ll ask someone to volunteer to be a demonstration student but anyone is always welcome to move along or try things as we go.  I find that most of us (especially me) don’t sit still for long periods of time so I always encourage people to get up and move, adjust or change positions as needed especially during times where we are talking more and moving less.  During the course of the day I’ll often incorporate little movement breaks but I promise it’s not like you are going to be working out for 6 hours!!

After going through the Pilates principles, we’ll go over some traditional Pilates vocabulary (common terms and language often used when teaching Pilates) and then we’ll head into learning the Pilates fundamentals.  The fundamentals are what I like to call the building blocks of Pilates.  Everything you do in your Pilates practice builds from these fundamental movements.  We’ll break down each fundamental with great detail and we’ll learn a variety of exercises and movements  that can be used to teach the fundamentals.  Again I’ll ask for volunteers to be my demonstration body and if you feel like it you can try along as we explore the different exercises. We’ll tie in our Pilates principles into these movements and discuss how to learn and teach these movements safely to different body types.

Then it will be time to put the principles and the fundamental movements into action!  This workshop will cover in detail the first 5 Pilates Mat exercises that we often call the basic five.  We’ll break down each exercise (each specific movement and coordinating breath) and talk about how to teach it from the beginning. You’ll learn not only how Joe originally taught the exercise but how it can be taught to any body by breaking it down into its simplest components.

At the end of the day, you’ll walk away with a new or better understanding of how your own body works, you’ll learn how to get more out of your personal Pilates practice, and have some guidance on how to start sharing that with others if you want.  If this workshop could be the start of you learning to teach Pilates I hope it gets you excited about the possibilities!   All participants will receive a copy of Joseph Pilates’ “Return To Life” book, a workshop guide, and a fun Pilates Tee Shirt.

Want to learn more about our Pilates Foundations workshop or other workshops in our instructor training programs?  Feel free to contact us to learn more!






photo from

Sometimes the stars are aligned, and sometimes…….

Summertime for a stay at home mom of three young children is hard work. Much harder than the school year. Add in to the mix a husband that works 60-70 hours a week and you’ve got yourself one tired momma. I only get Mom-time when the stars align.

My trips to Rivercity Pilates has been limited to mostly 4:00 pm Sunday yoga for the past few months since that’s about the only time that my husband is home to watch the kids.

Kimberly demonstrating and cueing!

Kimberly demonstrating and cueing!

A few weeks ago, the stars aligned and I found myself free on a Tuesday evening with no little league game on the calendar and my husband home at a reasonable time. With shaky fingers, I signed up for Kimberly’s 6:30 pm Tower class, certain that my recent absence from Pilates would slow down the class and earn me glaring eyes from everyone else who knew what they were doing.

When I entered, I joked with Kim that I’d be lucky to walk out of the class alive after not having been to a Pilates class in so long. She quickly calmed my nerves and said it would be like a private lesson since I was the only one signed up for the class. The stars really were on my side that night as I eased back in to my Pilates practice with Kim’s gentle guide and reassurance that I was, in fact, breathing correctly and swinging like a ballerina rather than a chimpanzee on the Cadillac.

I later joked with Carey that it was like a first date and Kim said all the right things! With any luck, the stars will align in my favor soon so I can return to life on the mat regularly.

~Amber, stay at home mom of 3 who LOVES her Yoga and Pilates mom time!!

[tweetthis]Mom time for #Fitness is hard to find in the summer! One Mom’s story[/tweetthis]




I clearly remember my mentor telling me when I went through my original Pilates instructor training program:

IMG_2738“If clients do the Pilates work on a regular basis they will get results and as a teacher its OK if you can’t explain every detail of that transformation!”

As a new instructor this is a wonderful thing to hear!   It means that even if I don’t teach it perfectly, even if I mess up every once in a while and even if I can’t answer every anatomy question my client asks me – it will still work!  As long as I keep people safe and keep them motivated to keep doing the Pilates work they will get results.  At the time I’m not sure if I wholeheartedly believed this – but I wanted to so I always kept it in my mind to trust the Pilates process and the genius of the work Joseph Pilates created.

Joseph H. Pilates said,” In 10 sessions you’ll feel a difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference and in 30 you’ll be on your way to a whole new body.”

Again, Joe knew that if people just committed to a regular practice of his method they would see results.  After teaching for 15 years I can tell you there could be nothing more true!  As an instructor I see it over and over again.  When I notice big changes in my clients movements and their bodies I often double check their chart to count how many sessions they have gotten in and what do you know…it is usually somewhere around 30 when those big changes happen!

As a Pilates instructor you are always a student of the Pilates Method and the learning process is never ending.  For me that is something that I love about my career as an instructor.  I think its an important reminder for Pilates instructors where ever they are in their teaching journey to trust the process.  Teach the best class or session you can, get people excited about their Pilates practice and trust that you are making a difference every time you teach!!

Check out our Pilates instructor training programs at Rivercity Pilates and learn more about mentoring with me during your Pilates journey!

