“Ooh, I cheated!  I used momentum!”   Have you ever said this?  I actually hear this all the time from Pilates clients. I have to tell you though- I disagree with that statement and I believe that you are not cheating (cheating to me implies you are doing something wrong..) by using your momentum to help you move better as long as you do it with control!  In fact, I teach my clients how to use momentum to their advantage and I really believe that part of learning to move better in your body is the process of learning how to use momentum to move better, more efficiently and with more control.

Case in point: “Rolling like a Ball” ( and really any of the rolling exercises)!  When I am teaching this I encourage clients to lift their heels away from the floor to initiate rolling back and then pull the heels toward their butt to initiate the coming back to start part of the roll.  I don’t consider this cheating.   I consider it teaching your body to initiate controlled movements by changing your body positioning.  Is it more challenging when you reduce this leg movement and try to initiate more from your center? Yep..it is and that’s a great way to keep challenging your body.   But if “using your momentum” helps you achieve the goals of the exercise…like gaining flexibility in your spine by rolling it through the mat and engaging your core muscles to do controlled, precise movements then by all means use your momentum.

Please note that how you use your momentum is very important!  There’s a big difference between throwing your legs up and slamming your back into the mat(ouch..!) and slightly lifting and lowering your legs in a controlled way to help you roll through your spine better.  Worried you are using too much momentum in your movements?  Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it hurt or not feel good in my body?  If the answer is yes than you need more control, less momentum and probably a smaller range of motion.
  • Am I coordinating my breath with my movement?  If you can coordinate a specific breath pattern with your movement you are probably in control, don’t worry so much about using a little momentum.
  • Can you feel or are you aware of your core muscles engaging and working?  If the answer is no…slow down and figure out what you need to do to have more “core awareness and engagement” and if the answer is yes- you are on the right track…don’t overthink using your momentum.
  • Does it feel controlled or does it feel sloppy and out of control?  If it doesn’t feel controlled try slowing your movements down and taking the time to really concentrate on what you are trying to do in your body.







If you follow me or the studio at all you probably have seen some of my posts about Pilates on the Lake.  I teach a Pilates class on a board called a stand up paddleboard (SUP).  The boards are designed to be a surf board like board that you can stand on and paddle yourself around.  You can also sit or kneel on the boards to paddle and it turns out you can lay on them and do most of your Pilates exercises. The slight instability of the board on the water makes it extra fun!

As I’ve been teaching these classes I’ve found that many of my students are taking class because they want to try stand up Paddleboarding (SUP) for the first time. These new students are water people( you know…people that enjoy being in or around water and nature..) who are intrigued with the new Standup Paddleboard fad and want to try it out.

I’ve been having so much fun teaching and I think the part I enjoy the most is the “trying something new” experience that I get to help people with.  There is something truly inspiring about getting to experience a first in someone’s life.  There is something truly inspiring about being there as someone puts their fears to the side and tries something new that they know full well..they might not be so great at in the beginning.

quote by eleanor rooseveltIt reminds me of the quote,”Do one thing every day that scares you.”

I think we all can recognize the value in doing something that scares us. We’ve all seen the light on the other side after we conquer a fear or venture out and try something new.    But how many of us really make an effort to do those things that scare us? How many of us are willing to take a chance and be vulnerable in front of other people?

From a teaching perspective I try to keep the Paddleboard experience and class light hearted.  I try to remind people that it’s OK if you fall off your board(it’s a great chance to cool off and refresh!)and more than anything I try to just be in the moment with people and remind them how great they are doing( because they are!!). Whether we are paddling to our spot on the lake to anchor for class or playfully trying some Pilates exercises on the boards I think you’ll find it’s a great workout, the scenery is amazing and it’s just plain fun to do something new and different!

If you are looking to try something new this summer, maybe a chance to do something that scares you…I would love to see you on the lake!!  You can sign up for Tuesday evening 6 pm Pilates on the Lake classes by clicking here! 

Inspiration of the Month
Jessica Dlask
When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates in November, 2015. I had previously taken yoga classes while living in Chicago but had never tried Pilates. I had heard it was a great way to build your strength and the exercises were adaptable based on your individual level, both of which appealed to me. I had always enjoyed group fitness classes and thought I would give it a try.
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?  
I try to practice Pilates at least 2-3 times a week and regularly participate in both mat and equipment classes. I have recently started trying to add a yoga class to my workout regimen as well for a slightly different type of workout.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates? 
I sit at a computer desk much of the day and run a home based clothing business in the evenings and weekends which involves quite a bit of lifting and bending resulting in a lot of strain and tension on my neck and back each day. Pilates gives me the opportunity to stretch and lengthen my spine, helping to improve pain and discomfort. It helps clear my mind after a busy work day and allows me to challenge myself in each class. I love that I can notice the progress I make on exercises I do regularly but am also challenged by new exercises as well.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?  
My favorite piece of equipment is probably the reformer as I enjoy the movement and the ability to change the tension for an increased challenge. I especially enjoy footwork and leg circles on the reformer. In mat classes, I have a love/hate relationship with the leg series!
What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
I would encourage anyone and everyone to try Pilates as it is easily adaptable for people of all fitness levels. I have challenges with flexibility, hip and arm strength and know that there are always ways to make an exercise work for me. The instructors are attentive to your strengths and challenges and continue to help you improve. I love the atmosphere of the studio where I can walk in and be greeted by staff asking about my dog or upcoming wedding plans – there is a strong sense of community that keeps us coming back.
Fall 2017 Pilates Mat Teacher Training Workshop dates are set:
  • September 10, 2017
  • October 1, 2017
  • October 22, 2017
  • November 12th, 2017
  • December 3rd, 2017

July 26th at 7:30 pm there will be a Move and Learn Class focused on the Pilates teacher training programs at Rivercity Pilates.   We’ll start the night with a 30 minute Pilates Mat class and then Carey will be available after that to discuss the details of the teacher training program.  Sign up online for this free class and learn more about learning to teach Pilates!

Check out our website for details or contact us to set up a time to come in and talk about program details with Carey!!
Learn more about the details of the program by clicking  here.

Empower your Body-Inspire your Life!

Inspiration of the Month

Colleen Rhodes

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started Pilates in June 2012 because I wanted to add a variety to my weekly workout regime.  I know that it is very important to move your body in different ways as opposed to doing the same routine (i.e. running) all the time.
How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing? 
I do one-on-one sessions with Carey.  Sometimes twice a week.
What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?
I always tell people Pilates is like my spinal adjustment.  I always feel taller when I leave.  I have noticed that my core is much stronger which makes doing other exercises and daily activities easier.  Also, when I’ve had some physical limitations, (i.e. foot surgery, knee issues), Carey is able to adjust my session accordingly so I still get a good workout.
Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?  
I enjoy all the equipment, however, the Cadillac is probably my favorite.  This is another reason I love Pilates.  Carey has me using the different equipment, as well as other tools, (i.e. foam rollers, balls, balance boards, etc.), which makes for a different workout every time I come in.  I am never bored.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
I always tell people it is a great workout and can be done at any age, and any fitness level.  I also tell them to do the first complimentary consultation so they get an idea about Pilates and perhaps diminish the mystery or fear of doing something different.  Using the Nike slogan, “Just Do It” and you will get hooked:)
The studio chart is full with client names participating in our summer movement challenge!  We had to add an extension to it! We of course love it when you get to the studio to get your favorite classes and sessions in, but we are also challenging you to enjoy the summer weather and take some of your movement time outdoors!!  It’s not too late to get started. The challenge doesn’t end till August 31!