Am I cheating if I use Momentum?

“Ooh, I cheated!  I used momentum!”   Have you ever said this?  I actually hear this all the time from Pilates clients. I have to tell you though- I disagree with that statement and I believe that you are not cheating (cheating to me implies you are doing something wrong..) by using your momentum to help you move better as long as you do it with control!  In fact, I teach my clients how to use momentum to their advantage and I really believe that part of learning to move better in your body is the process of learning how to use momentum to move better, more efficiently and with more control.

Case in point: “Rolling like a Ball” ( and really any of the rolling exercises)!  When I am teaching this I encourage clients to lift their heels away from the floor to initiate rolling back and then pull the heels toward their butt to initiate the coming back to start part of the roll.  I don’t consider this cheating.   I consider it teaching your body to initiate controlled movements by changing your body positioning.  Is it more challenging when you reduce this leg movement and try to initiate more from your center? is and that’s a great way to keep challenging your body.   But if “using your momentum” helps you achieve the goals of the exercise…like gaining flexibility in your spine by rolling it through the mat and engaging your core muscles to do controlled, precise movements then by all means use your momentum.

Please note that how you use your momentum is very important!  There’s a big difference between throwing your legs up and slamming your back into the mat(ouch..!) and slightly lifting and lowering your legs in a controlled way to help you roll through your spine better.  Worried you are using too much momentum in your movements?  Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it hurt or not feel good in my body?  If the answer is yes than you need more control, less momentum and probably a smaller range of motion.
  • Am I coordinating my breath with my movement?  If you can coordinate a specific breath pattern with your movement you are probably in control, don’t worry so much about using a little momentum.
  • Can you feel or are you aware of your core muscles engaging and working?  If the answer is no…slow down and figure out what you need to do to have more “core awareness and engagement” and if the answer is yes- you are on the right track…don’t overthink using your momentum.
  • Does it feel controlled or does it feel sloppy and out of control?  If it doesn’t feel controlled try slowing your movements down and taking the time to really concentrate on what you are trying to do in your body.







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