We are excited to offer specialized Private Pilates based movement sessions for those dealing with hyper mobility!

Did you know that besides being National Osteoporosis month it is also Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) Awareness Month!  We thought it made for perfect timing to announce Donny’s new sessions specifically for those dealing with hypermobility! 

What is hypermobility?

Joint hypermobility means that a person’s joints have a greater range of motion than is expected or normal. Most babies and children are naturally very flexible.

Many people become less flexible as they grow, but hypermobility continues into adulthood for some, up to about 20% of people. Being “flexible,” “bendy,” or “double-jointed” is not usually a problem, and for some, like dancers or gymnasts, it is an advantage.

Hypermobility that does not cause pain or other symptoms is referred to as “asymptomatic joint hypermobility” and does not need to be treated.

The problem occurs when joints are not just hypermobile but are also unstable. Joint instability occurs when the bones of a joint aren’t held in place securely. This can lead to joint subluxations, dislocations, sprains, and other injuries. Joint instability can cause both acute and chronic pain and interfere with daily life.

Pilates and Barre instructor, Donny Lindell has spent her lifetime learning to cope with the effects of hyper mobility in her body.  She was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos in 2017 and early on in this diagnosis she found huge benefits from adding in Pilates and movement coaching into her life.  Donny went on to become a Pilates teacher, a barre teacher and a health coach so she could help others in the same way she was helped!

Donny is combining her love of movement and coaching to start offering her knowledge and expertise to others who may be coping with living with hyper mobility.   If you have hyper mobility or Ehlers Danlos and are looking for guidance on how you can use a regular movement practice to help you feel better in your body…you will love private Pilates sessions with Donny.    Schedule a complimentary first session with Donny to see if working with her would be a good fit for you.  

Looking for some accountability and coaching so you can stay consistent and improve your balance and strength? 

Here’s are our recommendations:

Strength Training Small Group Sessions

If you know you need to add strengthening into your exercise routine but are not quite sure what to do, how to do it or maybe you are just not motivated to do it on your own…our small group strength training sessions are for you!

Each session will use weights, resistance bands and body weight exercises to improve your strength and even help you increase bone density.  You’ll be able to start at your level and progress as you get stronger. No experience is needed.

Balance Small Group Sessions

Clients who attend this weekly session tell us they feel stronger and more confident in their ability to balance when life gives them a balance challenge! If you are finding your ability to maintain your balance is declining as you age…this weekly session is for you!

The entire session is done either seated in a chair or standingEach session will include exercises to improve your overall strength, improve your flexibility and mobility, increase your core strength, increase strength and mobility in your feet and ankles and exercises that give you chance to safely practice your balance so you can improve it!

You’ll use weights and bands for strengthening exercises.    This session is safe and recommended for those with osteopenia and osteoporosis.

This weekly session is Thursday at 10 am.

On Demand Balance Classes 

(Same Great Instructor/Training – but you can take at home)

If you’re so busy you have trouble getting to the studio consistently – our on demand subscription for Balance & Mobility is just what you need! Get a variety of on demand videos focused on improving balance that you can exercise with as your schedule allows!   Only $19.99 per month!

Do you or someone you know have an osteoporosis or osteopenia diagnosis?  I often get asked about recommendations for those who have been diagnosed and I like to keep it simple and recommend these 3 things when it comes to your movement and training time:

1. Walk as much as you can. 
Walking is something that helps you build bone strength and muscle and is an easy thing you can add into your life just about anywhere!  Challenge yourself to increase your daily steps!

2. Add some sort of strength training into your life. There are lots of ways to add strength training into your life…lifting weights, body weight exercises, Pilates, and Yoga can all be great!    Find something you enjoy and add it in consistently.

3. Add some focused balance training into your life. Besides strengthening your muscles and improving your mobility, balance training specifically trains your body to improve your balance.  When your bones are not as strong as they could be, a fall can result in an injury like a broken bone that greatly diminishes your ability to navigate life. (i.e., It will sideline you for awhile,) By being proactive about your balance skills you can prevent falls and keep active, strong, independent and feeling great in your body!

Even if you don’t have an Osteoporosis or Osteopenia diagnosis….these 3 things are what I would recommend to EVERYONE as you age to keep your bones healthy and strong and to keep you active and moving well!