I was thinking this week about the phrase body, mind and spirit.  Joseph Pilates was quoted as saying that “Contrology is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit.”

This phrase body, mind and spirit to me refers to a focus on the whole person and I do think that this focus is something that sets Pilates apart from simply working out.

In case you are curious here’s a quick explanation (in Carey terms) of the 3 focuses of body, mind and spirit in our Pilates practice. 

The first focus is simply the body.  Pilates is a way to train the physical body to be stronger…..in many ways Pilates could just be considered a workout for the physical body.  Just this component of Pilates is truly great and for most people even if they went through the motions of Pilates without adding in the focus on mind and spirit…they would get great results.  They would be moving more, building more strength and mobility and likely feeling better just from adding in more physical activity.   But it’s the other two components that I think separate the Pilates method from just exercising.

To truly practice Pilates you must engage your mind.  The Pilates method is designed to be a process of learning about how your body works and learning how you can control how your body feels and functions by how you train it. 

I think this “mind piece” of Pilates is what keeps many people coming back to this practice. There is something fun and fascinating about the process of moving your body in specific ways to get specific results that inspires you to keep at it! As you practice you always feel like you are learning and figuring things out and it’s very empowering to have that much control over your body.

To me, spirit represents you and your individual spirit or being.  Coordinating your spirit means that when you practice Pilates you focus your mind on what you are doing and you are truly present.  Sure your mind might wander every once in awhile, but as you practice you’ll find yourself bringing yourself back into the present moment and focusing on your breath, your alignment and your movements. 

This type of practice is something that is often taught in practices like meditation and mindfulness and I believe it’s a skill that helps you navigate the craziness of life!   Just like you might practice a sport so you can improve your performance in a game. I kind of think that everytime I practice being present and mindful on what I’m doing when I practice Pilates…. as practice time for my focus and mindfulness skills for the game of life.    

As I was writing this I was thinking about how there are lots of other movements practices that also combine the body, mind and spirit.  Yoga and the various martial arts are the ones that immediately come to my mind.

Carey Sadler, Owner & Instructor at Rivercity Pilates in North Liberty.

What I love about PIlates, Yoga and other body,mind spirit practices is they are not really something you start and stop.  Once you have started practicing on a regular basis it really just becomes part of what you do.  Even if you are not practicing with a teacher or being consistent with your own movement practice you still find yourself incorporating everything you’ve learned along the way into your life.  And when you are ready to pick up your practice again you know you have the knowledge of how to do it. 

Thanks for reading my thoughts on this idea and thanks for being part of our Rivercity Pilates community!  It’s so fun to get to share this journey of moving and learning with you! Do you have a favorite piece of your movement practice? Body, mind or spirit?  Email me as I would love to know!

Carey Sadler, Owner of Riercity Pilates.

I often get asked what my Pilates practice looks like.  As a studio owner I have access to all the toys and all the Pilates equipment but I have to tell you the Pilates Mat exercises are the bread and butter of my Pilates practice!

Over the years I have found personally that keeping my movement practice consistent is the key to me feeling great and the Pilates Mat exercises are easy for me to get in no matter where I am and with very little “extra stuff” needed.

In the morning when I wake up I start my day with a 15 minute meditation and then practice a simple Pilates Mat routine.  I also get in workouts on the Pilates equipment and I play and move a lot when I’m at the studio but my Pilates Mat practice…is really my thing!  I love that whether I’m at home or traveling I can always find time and space to get my Pilates practice in!

If you are looking for guidance on learning the Pilates Mat exercises and creating a practice in your life I want to encourage you to try one of our in studio small group sessions…you might just create a movement practice that you can continue for the rest of your life!

Schedule a session Sunday’s at 5pm, Wednesdays at 8 am or Thursday at 4:30 pm!

Rivercity Pilates In Studio Small Group Session schedule in North Liberty, Iowa.

Do you have 1 hour a week you could dedicate to yourself?

We live in a society that has conditioned us to think that if we can’t be at the gym 5 days a week, commit to 3 Pilates sessions a week or practice Yoga daily then it’s probably just not worth it.. This is the biggest lie you could tell yourself!  

Pilates sessions at RIvercity Pilates

In fact as a movement teacher for 25 years I can tell you that I would much rather see someone start adding in 1 movement session a week versus 3 or 4 because the people that add in a once a week session usually create a habit of movement in their life that they actually stick with.  

Probably the biggest “secret” to success when it comes to movement and exercise to create results(like improved strength, less pain, more ease in your movements..)  is consistency!!

If you are waiting to start moving more until you have time for 2, 3 or 4 sessions a week it could be a year or two from now before you actually start!!

I promise that one session a week will help you build strength, mobility and just plain feel better in your body!  I am so confident in that statement that if you decide to add a weekly session in and after 10 sessions you don’t feel better in your body...we’ll refund all of your sessions!

If you are brand new to Pilates or it’s been awhile since you’ve practiced be sure to check out our complimentary intro session!! We would love for you to experience what a regular Pilates practice can do for your body and your life!

If you’ve been curious about exploring Pilates in your body…this is the perfect chance to try it out by signing up for a FREE introductory session! Click here to schedule a time that works for you!

Are you new to Pilates? Here’s a quick description of the Pilates method of movement:

Start your Pilates Journey at Rivercity Pilates in North Liberty.

Pilates is a mind-body exercise developed in the 20th century by Joseph Pilates. He and his wife Clara taught students this unique method of exercise. They called it ‘contrology,’ which teaches and encourages controlling your muscles with your mind by focusing attention on core postural muscles that provide spinal support and help keep the body balanced. Pilates’ exercises were developed to teach breath awareness, spine alignment, and abdominal muscle strength.

We love to introduce people to Pilates!   These sessions are geared for anyone who wants to learn more about what Pilates is all about! We’ll start the session with a general talk about what Pilates is and the different ways to practice it. After that we’ll get you moving so you can experience the method in your body.  We’ll review the fundamental concepts and ideas we use in Pilates and encourage you to try some Pilates exercises.  You will get to try out some exercises on the Pilates equipment! 

In your session your teacher will show you how to adapt each movement to your body to make it most effective for you.  It will be a fun, informative session that let you explore the Pilates method in your body.

Do you take any Pilates or movement props with you when you travel?  I love hearing about what clients decide to take with them on the road.  Email me and let me know what you’ve taken with you when you travel!

Some of the most popular items I hear clients talking about taking with them this summer have been their resistance band and their massage therapy balls!  The resistance band is small, lightweight and takes up no room at all!  It allows you to do supported stretches, practice your Pilates Mat exercises with support and feedback and can be used for general strength exercises.    

The massage therapy balls are great for rolling your tired feet (extra walking on your trip?) and can easily be used while sitting in an airplane, in a car or at a hotel up against a wall to give tight, tense muscles some relief.

If you are new to Pilates you might be thinking….  Oh I don’t exercise when I’m on vacation…that’s my me time! Or maybe you can’t imagine wanting to take Pilates with you on the road? I get it…

Here’s the thing you need to know:  

The people who take their Pilates with them on the road aren’t doing it because they feel the need to not miss a one hour workout, they are doing it because they have discovered that by doing some simple movements in their life even when they travel they can keep their body happy and feeling great so that nothing slows them down in enjoying their life!   

Practicing Pilates has taught them that paying attention to their body and using movement as a tool in their life is something they actually want to do all the time, not just when they are at an exercise session!

If you are new to our community and are intrigued by this idea of wanting to move more in your life…email me and I can help you set up a complimentary private session to introduce you to Pilates!

Have a great week and as always reach out if you have any questions about Pilates movement, studio offerings or anything else!