Carey Sadler, Owner Rivercity Pilates, North Liberty IOwa

If you have worked with me it’s likely you’ve heard me say, the most effective things to help us feel better in our body are often the most simple things. They are often so simple that people don’t do them because they seem so simple that they don’t convince themselves to add these things into their routines or into their daily life.    

Years (and years) ago I started practicing and learning rolling techniques with a teacher named Jill Miller.  Rolling is a way to practice self massage techniques to release tightness and tension in muscles and connective tissues throughout the body. Personally I found the practice empowering because when I noticed tightness or discomfort in my body I felt like I always had a tool I could easily use to help my body feel better. 

As a teacher I loved that I could use the techniques to help clients do the same thing.  As a teacher I also noticed that by adding in regular rolling sessions with my clients they  were feeling better in their body, were able to work in a more balanced way and got more out of the Pilates and strength training work they were already practicing because of it.  Needless to say I am a big fan of rolling!

There is one thing I notice though that I’m not a big fan of….these simple techniques fall into the category of almost too simple! Most people say that even though they can immediately feel the benefit of this work, they don’t prioritize adding it into their life. 

For many of my clients, they weren’t doing the beneficial rolling practice unless I made sure they were doing it when they came to see me.  This inspired me to create our Roll and Release Small Group Sessions as a regular offering at the studio.

I’m so excited to announce that we’ll be offering weekly Roll and Release small group sessions that will allow more of you to create a regular rolling practice in your life!

When you come in for your session we’ll have a mat set up for you with a lot different balls and rollers available for you.  Your teacher will guide you through a variety of movements and rolls designed to help you release tension and tightness throughout your body. 

These sessions are doable by ANY body and no experience is needed. If you are new to rolling check out the video I included below as an example.  This Psoas roll is one I recommend for those with tightness in their hips. If you have a ball at home try it out and let me know what you think.  

Starting July 20th we’ll be offering a weekly Saturday 10am and a Monday 5pm Roll and Release Small Group Session!   

Curious about creating a rolling practice? Email me to try out a Roll and Release session for free!

New Monday 11 am Pilates small group equipment session with Shiho!

Ready to create a regular Pilates practice in your life?  Need the accountability of coming to the studio?   

Shiho is now offering small group Pilates Tower sessions Monday’s at 11 am, Wednesdays at 9 am and Thursdays at 5:30 pm. 

The Pilates tower system uses a system of springs attached to various handles bars and specialized attachments to support and challenge your body giving you a whole body workout that is super effective!   The Pilates tower is a favorite of our clients who are just starting a Pilates practice because the springs assist you and even though it is assisting you — you are still working at a level that is perfect for progressing your strength and mobility!

Small group sessions are limited to 4 participants and often fill quickly.  Schedule in Mindbody under appointments or simply email us and we can get you scheduled!

Carey Sadler, Owner of Riercity Pilates.

I often get asked what my Pilates practice looks like.  As a studio owner I have access to all the toys and all the Pilates equipment but I have to tell you the Pilates Mat exercises are the bread and butter of my Pilates practice!

Over the years I have found personally that keeping my movement practice consistent is the key to me feeling great and the Pilates Mat exercises are easy for me to get in no matter where I am and with very little “extra stuff” needed.

In the morning when I wake up I start my day with a 15 minute meditation and then practice a simple Pilates Mat routine.  I also get in workouts on the Pilates equipment and I play and move a lot when I’m at the studio but my PIlates Mat practice…is really my thing!  I love that whether I’m at home or traveling I can always find time and space to get my Pilates practice in!

If you are looking for guidance on learning the Pilates Mat exercises and creating a practice in your life I want to encourage you to try one of our in studio small group sessions…you might just create a movement practice that you can continue for the rest of your life!

Schedule a session Sunday’s at 5pm, Wednesdays at 8 am or Thursday at 4:30 pm!

Rivercity Pilates In Studio Small Group Session schedule in North Liberty, Iowa.

Kimberly is excited to be offering her Arms & Abs Pilates Mat Class as a 4 week in studio series in February, Wednesdays at 6 pm! We love a session theme and Arms and Abs has been a favorite among clients over the years!

Looking for a workout that improves your core strength and specifically strengthens your upper body? 

This 4 week beginner friendly Pilates series will practice Pilates Mat exercises with a special focus on strengthening your core muscles and improving your arm and shoulder strength Pilates style!

This small group session will be 5 clients maximum.  Sign up now to snag a spot and get our early bird discount!! Early Bird Discounts ends on January 15th!  ( save $15 with the early bird pricing!)

You’ll get to use a variety of props to support and challenge you.

As always at Rivercity Pilates you’ll feel comfortable working at your level and you’ll feel comfortable asking Kimberly questions about what you are doing.  

4 weeks for only $89

Brand new to the studio?
  Take a complimentary private session with Kimberly to get introduced to the studio, get introduced to Pilates and learn more about opportunities to work with Kimberly and the rest of our Rivercity Pilates staff!  Kimberly has openings on Monday January 15, January 22nd or January 29th at 7 pm. Click here to schedule.  

If you need to miss a week…no worries! You can make-up your missed session in any other group session on our schedule. Already have a Pilates Mat Session Package? You can use any Pilates Mat, Strength or Yoga Package for this series!

Do you have 1 hour a week you could dedicate to yourself?

We live in a society that has conditioned us to think that if we can’t be at the gym 5 days a week, commit to 3 Pilates sessions a week or practice Yoga daily then it’s probably just not worth it.. This is the biggest lie you could tell yourself!  

Pilates sessions at RIvercity Pilates

In fact as a movement teacher for 25 years I can tell you that I would much rather see someone start adding in 1 movement session a week versus 3 or 4 because the people that add in a once a week session usually create a habit of movement in their life that they actually stick with.  

Probably the biggest “secret” to success when it comes to movement and exercise to create results(like improved strength, less pain, more ease in your movements..)  is consistency!!

If you are waiting to start moving more until you have time for 2, 3 or 4 sessions a week it could be a year or two from now before you actually start!!

I promise that one session a week will help you build strength, mobility and just plain feel better in your body!  I am so confident in that statement that if you decide to add a weekly session in and after 10 sessions you don’t feel better in your body...we’ll refund all of your sessions!

If you are brand new to Pilates or it’s been awhile since you’ve practiced be sure to check out our complimentary intro session!! We would love for you to experience what a regular Pilates practice can do for your body and your life!

If you’ve been curious about exploring Pilates in your body…this is the perfect chance to try it out by signing up for a FREE introductory session! Click here to schedule a time that works for you!

Are you new to Pilates? Here’s a quick description of the Pilates method of movement:

Start your Pilates Journey at Rivercity Pilates in North Liberty.

Pilates is a mind-body exercise developed in the 20th century by Joseph Pilates. He and his wife Clara taught students this unique method of exercise. They called it ‘contrology,’ which teaches and encourages controlling your muscles with your mind by focusing attention on core postural muscles that provide spinal support and help keep the body balanced. Pilates’ exercises were developed to teach breath awareness, spine alignment, and abdominal muscle strength.

We love to introduce people to Pilates!   These sessions are geared for anyone who wants to learn more about what Pilates is all about! We’ll start the session with a general talk about what Pilates is and the different ways to practice it. After that we’ll get you moving so you can experience the method in your body.  We’ll review the fundamental concepts and ideas we use in Pilates and encourage you to try some Pilates exercises.  You will get to try out some exercises on the Pilates equipment! 

In your session your teacher will show you how to adapt each movement to your body to make it most effective for you.  It will be a fun, informative session that let you explore the Pilates method in your body.