Inspiration of the Month- Teena VanDaele

DSCN0393December 2014

Inspiration of the Month

Teena VanDaele

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I began Pilates about 10 years ago and was extremely diligent with my lessons, then my oldest child was born and Pilates fell to the wayside.  I restarted in May of this year because I was getting older and because of my occupation, I had horrible lower back pain.  I soon realized how much I truly enjoyed the experience of Pilates.  Not to say I didn’t have my struggles as I began taking classes again, but I was truly amazed that despite the few years I had been away from Pilates, I was still able to “maneuver” myself into various positions.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?
I began in May with two sessions per week: 1 private and 1 class.   I enjoy the private classes for the individual perspective they provide.  Private classes enable you to perfect to your “working level” the techniques of Pilates, giving you a perspective on where improvements need to be made or where your strong points remain.  Class gives you the opportunity to work at a faster pace with a variety of sessions; i.e. mat, reformer, Tower.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

My personal favorite is by far the tower classes; they provide an interesting mix of mat work/resistance combination.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?

In restarting Pilates this past May, I have noticed a vast improvement in my lower back pain and my energy levels throughout my day.  I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with back pain and I find myself sleeping better overall.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
What I have learned and would pass along as a piece of advice from someone who started Pilates in my late 20’s, early 30’s and did not restart until I was 40, is that you certainly do not have to master the skills within each aspect of Pilates to retain the benefit of what it can do for and to you.  Everyone has a varied skill level and no matter what that skill level is; simply trying Pilates will provide benefit to you… that is the art of Pilates.

Actions steps to join our Pilates Teacher Training Program

Interested in joining our Pilates Instructor Training Program?  Now is the time to get your plan into action!

The Body Precision Pilates Comprehensive Training Program is a lengthy process that requires dedication and commitment like all worthwhile endeavors.  Our program is designed to teach you the Pilates Method from the inside out.  You’ll learn the method comprehensively in your own body and learn how to translate your knowledge to others and develop as as unique, skilled Pilates instructor.

When finished with the program you will be ready to take the Pilates Method Alliance National certifying exam.  This exam is the only nationally recognized certification in the Pilates and fitness world and will allow you to teach anywhere in the world!

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]Want a job you will love? Considering becoming a #Pilates instructor? #JustDoIt[/tweetthis]

Program Prerequisites

  • Because the program is so intensive, we want all new trainees to start with a basic knowledge of the Pilates method in their own body before they jump in.  We require you to have in a combination of 50 Pilates private sessions, semi-private sessions or classes in before starting the program.mermaid adjustments
  • Set up an advisor meeting with Carey to talk about how you will incorporate the program into your life.   We want to make sure you realize the commitment of this program and we want you to succeed!!  Before committing to the program please set up a Complimentary 50 minute session to talk with Carey about the program.  This is a great time to get all your questions answered and start planning ahead!

Can I teach at the studio when I’m finished?

There are lots of great reasons to take the Body Precision Comprehensive Teacher Training Program at Rivercity Pilates.  You may want to teach Pilates in your community, you may want to take on this life challenge without the pressure of teaching anywhere, or you may want to teach for us at Rivercity Pilates!

At Rivercity Pilates we are always looking for qualified instructors and welcome the chance to help our trainees to teach at the studio.   While going through the full program there will be unpaid and paid opportunities for you to teach at the studio and of course we would love to have you stay and teach at the studio if we are a good fit for each other!

Need some encouragement?

“If you are on the fence as to whether to do the Pilates Teacher Training at Rivercity, I have some encouragement for you. I am officially ranking it as a top five life decision for me in the past five years (other decisions include having Finn and buying a king size bed). I just did a Level 3 mat workout at home and immediately felt stronger and less stressed. It is amazing to know that I will be able to practice Pilates with good form and breathing for the rest of my life thanks to the awesome teaching abilities of Carey Sadler and her staff. They’re the best!”

~Cassie Cumings-Peterson, 2013 Graduate and PMA certified instructor


Learn more about our program by clicking here!




Why swinging on the monkey bars is part of this mom’s exercise routine!

I’ll admit, I love to move and exercise.  Just because I love it doesn’t mean I get to spend hours a day working out.  In fact, just like everyone else I struggle to fit in movement.  As a mom of three and a business owner my schedule is usually packed full and I don’t often have a half hour let alone an hour to workout.

When I had my first child I lear-1ned pretty quick that I needed to readjust how I looked at my exercise and movement routine.  I had the honor of having a very colicking baby boy who only quit crying if you were holding him(usually involving some sort of movement), was nursing him or all of the above with the vacuum cleaner on!

Once I realized that my visions of the  baby napping while I got to run on the treadmill or even just getting on the floor to practice Pilates was not going to happen- I started to get creative.  It turns out my son loved to be snuggled up in a sling and gently bounced while I sat on a large exercise ball.  He also enjoyed stroller rides on bumpy gravel paths and quite frankly was pretty happy as long as I was holding him.  This time period in my life was when I truly learned to incorporate movement and exercise into everything I did.  It’s amazing what a great workout it can be climbing stairs while holding a baby, or doing some squats!

Fast forward 11 years and 2 more children later and you’ll still see me incorporating movement whenever I can.  Sure, life is a little bit less hectic now that the kids are older, but honestly not that much.  You’ll still find me stretching my hamstrings while I brush my teeth, doing some squats as I fold baskets full of laundry,  running up and down the stairs a few extra times when I have the chance and of course swinging on the monkey bars with the kids at the park!   I’ve learned that moving, stretching and strengthening my body helps me feel better and it doesn’t matter if I’m taking a Yoga class or just jumping on the trampoline with my kids- it all counts.

So if you are a busy Mom struggling to fit in your “regular” workout I encourage you to think outside the box.  Stop worrying about how many minutes you get in or if you are doing enough and do what works for you.  Don’t let the the act of getting exercise in create more stress in your life.

What’s your routine? I would love to hear what you do to fit exercise and movement into your life! Share your favorite exercises and help someone else use the power of movement to inspire their life!

Inspiration of the Month- Nancy Roberston


Inspiration of the Month
July 2014
Nancy Robertson

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?
I started after taking a free lesson with Cassie, who had been my law school intern several years ago. I had always wanted to try it and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I am the Executive Director of a domestic violence/sexual assault center that serves twelve counties and is extremely stressful. Cassie’s knowledge of this work was helpful in my being able to talk about the challenges of the week during my lesson.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?
I have been doing one private lesson per week since last May. I would love to do classes and lessons more frequently but I drive from either Oskaloosa where I work, or Des Moines where I live.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?
I often say that I should be paying for therapy in addition to my lesson because that is what I feel like I get from my sessions. The opportunity to work the stress out of my body is extremely beneficial. My core strength is greatly improved and I get great satisfaction from being able to do a movement that was extremely difficult when I started. I am often questioned about the fact that I make an hour and a half drive for my lessons but I feel like it is worth it both for my physical and mental health. Having to make that drive I really make my lessons a priority. I believe it is the one thing I do each week that is strictly for me. I think if I were doing Pilates in Des Moines it would be easy to say I’ll go tomorrow, and then never really get there.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?
I really enjoy the work on the Cadillac.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?
It is a great workout for the body and soul. Try the complimentary lesson and see what you think. It isn’t something you have to do three or four times a week in order to see results.

Thank you for the amazing memories!

A few days ago I said goodbye to Rivercity Pilates. As emotional as it was to have my last private lesson and walk out the front door, the studio has always been so much more than a building to me. If you’ll allow me to stroll down memory lane, I’ll do my best to explain what the past five years have meant to me.


I met Carey when she was at her first studio. The space was small (think large walk-in closet). Carey’s “office” was in the corner and all of her bookkeeping was done by hand. She had three Chairs, the Cadillac, and a Reformer. We did a lot of mat classes and I fell in love with the Chair. I was welcomed right away by the studio’s clients and distinctly remember how much the side leg kick series killed!

I started Pilates to help with the stress of studying for the bar exam and to get in shape for my upcoming wedding. It was a fantastic stress reliever and I found myself looking forward to class. I was nervous when I was the only student in class but Carey put me at ease and told me all the good progress I was making. Soon I found myself craving Pilates and wanting to learn all I could about it. When Carey set out fliers for her teacher training program, I decided to take the plunge.

My plan was to learn the Pilates method as best I could for myself – with no intention of teaching. I continued school (a Master’s in Political Science) while pursuing my Pilates certification. After nine years of higher education, I did some serious soul searching and decided to teach Pilates with Carey. It was absolutely the right decision. I learned so much while I was at the studio. I learned about the importance of movement and deep breathing. I learned to trust my body and to teach others how to use theirs. And I learned that a community of friends like those I found at Rivercity Pilates is invaluable in this life.

I met amazing, creative, strong, brilliant, hilarious, and kind women and men while working at Rivercity Pilates. They invited me into their lives and trusted me with their stories. I celebrated births of grandchildren, successful dance recitals, job promotions, and engagements. I listened to and hugged clients who lost parents, were stressed about the holidays, or missed their children that were away at college. Being a part of my clients’ lives was my favorite part of the job. In turn, they supported me. They asked about my life, celebrated the birth of my son, and took me out for dinner to say goodbye.

So thank you. Thank you Carey for your vision to bring Pilates to Eastern Iowa. Thank you for being a wonderful boss, mentor, and friend. Thank you to each and every Rivercity Pilates client for making my days brighter simply by walking through the door. I will miss each of you. You’ve shaped me in ways you cannot imagine.

Keep doing your Pilates and please stay in touch.   

All the best,
