Why Pilates is the Perfect Exercise for Women over 50

Pilates is a fabulous method of exercise for any body, but if you are a woman over the age of 50 you may find it’s the perfect form of exercise for you.

Have you ever said:

  • I just want to stay strong and lean.
  • I see my mom aging and know I want to keep my own body fit, strong, flexible and functional so I can live life to the fullest.
  • I want an instructor/trainer who understands that I’m not 25 and trains me accordingly.IMG_2412
  • I want to enjoy my workouts.

The Pilates Method of exercise may be the perfect exercise for you and here’s why:

  • The Pilates Method combines strength, balance, and flexibility into one very efficient workout session that will keep you lean and strong.
  • The Pilates Method focuses on using proper body mechanics and teaches you how to move in a way that will balance out your body and prevent injuries as you age.
  • The Pilates Method is truly a movement practice that can be done at any level and can be done throughout your entire lifetime.
  • A PMA Certified Pilates instructor has had over 500 hours of initial training and mentoring hours that results in experienced instructors who understand how to work with bodies of all ages, levels and conditions.
  • The Pilates Method uses a variety of equipment and props so that there is a ton of variety.  You’ll develop a practice of movements and exercises that become familiar to your body but you’ll also be continually challenged.


Click here to learn more about trying out Pilates at Rivercity Pilates!!  Schedule a complimentary private session and learn what it can do for your body!  At Rivercity Pilates we offer private Pilates sessions, semi-private Pilates sessions(scheduled with a friend or family member) and small group classes(averaging 6-8 clients per class).




Inspiration of the Month – Linda Meyer


When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started taking Pilates to get in better shape, way back in 1999 at Nolte Academy and was immediately addicted!  After a few classes I noticed my chronic headaches, triggered by neck pain, were reduced.  I continued for several years until I could no longer attend classes due to a change in my work hours.  I was so excited to discover Rivercity Pilates right here in North Liberty and there are class times available for almost any work schedule.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates practice? 

In addition to better posture and alignment, I have more energy and enthusiasm for everyday life.

Why did you decide to do the 2015 Inspire Your Life Challenge? 

I am so grateful that my girlfriend Sandy Schaefer got me motivated.  It helps to have someone to have to answer to.  One of our favorite hobbies is finding local restaurants and enjoying every bite!  I used to collect recipes, now I collect menus!  The challenge has motivated me to move more and improve my health and still be able to enjoy my food!

What has been your favorite part about the Challenge so far? 

Bridging out from just Pilates, to the Barre and the Empower Strength classes also.  It definitely rounds out the overall wellness experience.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

Favorite equipment is definitely Tower, but you just can’t beat bouncing on the stability ball for a warm up!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates?  

For sure everyone should try it.  It is so good for a person’s mental and physical well-being.  It is a part of my life that is a priority. The studio is also great for adapting the routines so everyone can do it!  It would be easy to feel intimidated by an exercise class, but at Rivercity, you can be inspired and made to feel comfortable with your fitness level while you improve your health.

Pilates Roll Over


The classic Pilates Roll Over exercise is part of the original 34 exercise sequence created by Joseph Pilates in his book Return to Life.  This exercise embodies the Pilates principles of control, centering and flowing movement.



Why adults should play and how Pilates can help!!

Every just sit and watch children move and play? Have you ever said to yourself,” I wish I had all that energy” or ” I wish I could move like that”?   You can and it’s just as important for you to play and move as it is children!

Joseph Pilates stated,“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.”

I couldn’t agree more and I truly believe our bodies are designed to move and play at any age and are ability to do so has a huge effect on our overall health and happiness. Empowering your physical body inspires your mind and spirit and truly inspires your life in all aspects!

You might be saying, sure I want to move like that but:

  • I’m too old
  • I’m too inflexible
  • I haven’t got enough time
  • I have an injury that stops me
  • I weigh too much
  • I don’t like to workout
  • …Add your favorite excuse

We love to tell ourselves these myths that allow us to stay in our comfort zone. But are they really true? Is there no possible way you could find a safe, fun way to move your body? Isn’t it true that if your body is healthy you will have more energy and zest to do everything else you want to do in life?

I LOVE the Pilates method of exercise because above all it gives me a method of teaching others where ever they are in life and in their bodies that there is a way for them to move, play and find joy in their physical movement!

Looking to find a way to incorporate movement into your life?  Sign up for a complimentary session with one of our inspiring instructors who can help you empower your body with movement and inspire your life to the fullest!

P.S.  I’ve included this video because it was my inspiration to write this post.  I LOVE to play and the Cadillac is one of my favorite pieces of Pilates equipment!  I’ve been practicing many of these movements for 15 plus years.  Please know that the Pilates method of exercise is truly a method that will teach your body how to move efficiently and without pain and you don’t have to swing on the Cadillac to accomplish that(unless you want to of course!).

Inspiration of the Month Amber O’Rourke


When did you start coming to Rivercity Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I started coming to Rivercity about a year ago, shortly after the birth of my third child. Though I lost the baby weight rather quickly, I definitely didn’t feel in shape and had heard many great things about Pilates. Specifically, I knew Carey from when my son attended preschool with her daughter so it felt less intimidating to start Pilates having known her outside of the studio.

How often do you take classes and what type of classes have you been doing?

It’s not easy getting to class on a regular schedule with three young children and a physician husband who works long hours, but I grab any chance I can to get to the studio! You’ll often find me at a Sunday evening Yoga or Barre class, but I also try to get to Tower and Mat classes once a week.

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Yoga and Pilates?

The biggest benefit for me has been the mental release of being a stay at home mom. For that hour I am in class my only job is to focus on myself. It’s often a challenge to leave “it” at the door, but Pilates and Yoga both require a physical and mental presence that force me to be in the moment. I’ve noticed a desire to take better care of myself all around since starting Pilates and getting back in to Yoga. I’m eating better and am slowly getting back in to running.

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I really enjoy the Tower. Though it’s an intimidating piece of equipment to those new to Pilates, I quickly discovered that after each Tower class I felt as refreshed and rejuvenated as I do after a massage! I also like the challenge of doing “Seal” correctly. It appears easy but it’s actually quite difficult to rely more on the strength of your core rather than the momentum of the movement. Not to mention, it’s hard to take myself too seriously when moving like a seal!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about coming to Rivercity Pilates?

I would encourage anyone to try out a few private sessions at Rivercity. I was very intimidated to start Pilates but the individual attention at my initial private sessions gave me all the confidence I needed to start taking classes. The atmosphere at Rivercity is unique, I think, in that the instructors and members are very welcoming and helpful toward “newbies” and they do a great job of challenging you as an individual while also recognizing that each body has its own limits and capabilities that may even change from class to class.

Bringing Pilates into the Workplace

IMG_1714As a former Pilates teacher, I know the importance of moving throughout the day. I loved being able to stretch, roll, curl, and balance along with my students. When I started a new job that involved sitting at a desk for a large part of the day along with a hefty commute, I quickly realized that something needed to change.

I could feel my shoulders rounding forward, my low back aching, and my hip flexors tightening from all the sitting. Not to mention that the mantra “sitting is the new smoking” played on repeat in my head. Luckily, my new boss is a fellow Pilates enthusiast and was all ears when I told her that I was searching for ways to bring more movement into my workday.

When you first start practicing Pilates, it may appear to be nothing more than a series of exercises taught in a particular order. After a while, however, it should become apparent that the method of Pilates is something that transcends any particular exercise. Pilates is the way we breathe. It is moving from our center. Pilates is fierce concentration coupled with precision and flow. It’s a mindset and can be applied to every part of your life.

My first task in bringing Pilates into my workspace was to move more. I started standing up to complete certain jobs and eventually built a standing desk based on this model (http://iamnotaprogrammer.com/Ikea-Standing-desk-for-22-dollars.html). I love my standing desk! It was extremely reasonable and has changed my outlook on the workday. Standing desks are not for everyone, but the freedom to move around not only helps push me through the 2 p.m. slump, it allows me to dance a little at my desk, too.

I’ve found that the standing desk helps with my posture and low-back tension. Being upright also makes it easier for me to interject Pilates stretches into my day. I sometimes slip off my shoes and roll up to the balls of my feet to balance. I also keep a 4-inch green ball in my desk to massage my feet when they feel tense.

When I need a shoulder stretch I’ll hold on to either side of my filing cabinet and walk back until my back is flat. And if I need to recharge I’ll do a standing roll down and hang in a rag doll position for a minute. This not only releases my low back, it sends blood to my brain for optimal productivity. Most importantly, I sometimes stand at my desk and take deep, powerful Pilates breaths.

I still love practicing Pilates on my own and in a studio setting, but one of the hidden blessings of my new job is that I get to apply the Pilates principles and movements in an entirely new way. To borrow from Carey and Rivercity Pilates, I’ve always known how Pilates empowered my body, but the last six months have shown me how it inspires my life.