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Rivercity Pilates offers in-studio and virtual classes to fit all your needs and whatever your schedule allows. Get started today.
Rivercity Pilates
1210 North Jordan #1
North Liberty, IA
Opening Hours
Regular Studio Hours: Sessions are available daily by appointment from 5:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Pilates Inspiration – Janee
Inspiration of the MonthJanee Anderson When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start? I decided to begin Pilates in 2008 because I wanted something to do to help me manage stress. I also knew I had to work on my posturing and get my body in better physical shape. Why do you do Pilates and […]
3 MUST KNOW Tips to Make Your Roll Down on the Cadillac MORE Effective!
Instructional VideoThe Roll Down on the Cadillac is a great exercise for gaining more mobility in the spine as well as strengthening the core and shoulder stabilizers. This video will highlight the basics of the exercise including how to set up and breathing. It will also give you some fine-tuning tips so that you can get […]
Celebrating Success!!
Inspiration of the MonthOriginally posted on February 27, 2013: Today’s blog is one of celebration! As a Pilates instructor there is nothing that I LOVE more than celebrating the success of my clients. I’m hoping that by sharing this wonderful, inspirational story someone will be given the hope and inspiration to believe in themselves and continue pursuing their own […]
Pilates Inspiration – Su
Inspiration of the MonthOriginally posted on October 2012: This month’s Inspiration is a true testimony to the power of movement and the power of the human spirit. It has been an honor to have Su as one of our treasured clients and to be part of her journey! Su( Doing her teaser in NYC for our summer photo […]
Practice your Pilates Breathing!
Instructional Video, Mini WorkoutJoseph Pilates stated, “Above all, learn how to breathe correctly.” Proper breathing is the cornerstone of the Pilates method of exercise. The Pilates breathing technique promotes learning how to use the full capacity of our breath by emphasizing a complete inhale and a complete exhale. There is also a focus on maintaining the engagement of […]
Can Pilates help me gain flexibility?
FAQs“True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed.” – Joseph Pilates The Pilates Method focuses on balancing out your muscles around each joint in the body (we refer to it as uniform development). By creating balance we naturally become more flexible, stronger, and our bodies move with ease, just like when […]
Fabulous Mini Pilates Mat workout in under 10 minutes!
Mini WorkoutHere’s a mini mat workout you can do at home. When it comes to creating a Pilates habit, one of the most important things is to just do it. We know that with your busy schedules it’s not always easy to get in for a full class. When working out at home try to work […]
How can Pilates help me relieve stress in my life?
FAQsJoseph Pilates knew the importance and power of our own thoughts. One of the fundamental ideas throughout the Pilates work is concentration. Concentration refers to simply paying attention to what you are doing and how it feels in your body. This means when your mind starts to wander and you begin to think about what […]
Pilates Shoulder Bridge on the Big Ball
Instructional Video, Mini WorkoutIn this video we feature the traditional Pilates Shoulder Bridge exercise on the ball. This is a great exercise for building core strength, gaining flexibility in the back, and strengthening the arms and legs! Try it out and let us know what you think! If you like it be sure to click like and share […]