Are you ready to add some more movement into your life? Do you need a little help getting motivated to stay committed to your movement and fitness program?  Join Rivercity Pilates in 2018 for Joe’s Challenge.  One our favorite quotes about the Pilates method from Pilates inventor Joseph Pilates himself goes like this: “In 10 […]

We had our first snow last weekend and like every year after the first snow I heard lots of clients talking about their achy backs from shoveling. As winter settles in here in Iowa I’d like to challenge you to start thinking of your shoveling duties as part of your movement and fitness routine. After […]

If you haven’t noticed it has turned COLD this past week or so here in Iowa.  I don’t know about you, but it usually takes me a little while to adjust to the colder temperatures and all of the layering up you end up doing in the winter season.  One of my clients mentioned this […]