One of the things I love about my own Pilates practice is that I’m always learning.  I’m learning how to move better in my body, I’m learning to listen to my body, I learning about the anatomy of how my body works and how I can use that knowledge to feel and move better, I’m […]

“Ooh, I cheated!  I used momentum!”   Have you ever said this?  I actually hear this all the time from Pilates clients. I have to tell you though- I disagree with that statement and I believe that you are not cheating (cheating to me implies you are doing something wrong..) by using your momentum to […]

If you follow me or the studio at all you probably have seen some of my posts about Pilates on the Lake.  I teach a Pilates class on a board called a stand up paddleboard (SUP).  The boards are designed to be a surf board like board that you can stand on and paddle yourself […]