Big Ball Pilates Mat with Kathryn Wednesdays at 5:30 pmJune 7 – 28 Kathryn is back teaching for us this summer and she’s offering a small group Pilates Mat session that incorporates the Big Exercise Ball! This small group will incorporate the Big Exercise Ball into the Pilates Mat exercises for a fun twist on […]

Do you ever wonder how time passes so quickly? I was chatting with a client last week and we were talking about how she had been practicing Pilates with me at the studio for over 14 years!! It made me reflect on how cool it is that I have had the opportunity to be a […]

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month, and we’re having a sale on our one hour on-demand workshop, “Exercising for Strong Bones”. If you’ve been diagnosed with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis you will want to take this virtual workshop! How you are exercising and moving your body today could help you avoid fractures and breaks in the […]