Can you sit on the floor and stand back up without touching your hand or knee on the floor?  Last week when I took Benjamin Degenhardt’s Upright Pilates workshop he started by talking about this ability. There has been some interesting studies done on life expectancy in older adults being directly correlated to this ability.  […]

These simple moves done on a foam roller can help you to open tight shoulders and provide a much needed destressing of the shoulders and upper back.   By coordinating these movements with your Pilates breath and core engagement you can sneak in a quick total body movement break anytime! Need a foam roller?  Stop […]

As I finish up my last day at the annual Pilates Method Alliance Conference I am struggling with what to write about for this weeks blog.  Not because I don’t have anything to write about but because I have so much to write about I can’t possibly get it all in one blog that people […]