I love small group classes.  I love teaching them and I love taking them! I am a firm believer that every movement experience you have is a chance to work on your own movement practice, learn new things about your body, and just plain keep your body healthy. What you’ll find in a small group […]

I love to play with movements and exercises in my own body and I love to help others figure out how to do the same.  This week I was watching a little video my friend Jenna had posted using a couple of Magic Circles and it inspired me to grab some circles and play with […]

I recently read an article all about occupational Pilates.  Never heard of it? Neither had I, but as I read the article the name made perfect sense.  The article was specifically talking about a Pilates instructor (Marcia Polas) who was working with bartenders and teaching them how to stand and move their bodies more efficiently […]