I’ll be the first to admit that the Hundred is not my favorite Pilates exercise.  My body or my brain doesn’t ever go, “Wow, I feel like doing my Hundreds!” It’s not like Rolling Back or Short Spine that I find myself craving to do if my body is tight or just needs to move […]

When I started my Pilates journey I was a certified personal trainer who had just discovered that I really loved being part of peoples’ health and fitness journey. Very early in my fitness career I found myself feeling like I didn’t know enough. I found myself hungry to learn more about movement and how the […]

If you’re new to Pilates you might find it a little strange that on your first visit to the studio we ask you to fill out a health intake form.  After all, you are just going to work out right?  Why do we need to know about your health ailments, surgeries, illnesses or past injuries? […]